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  • Tags: tactical support for Normandy troops

Flying log book for Ron Carter from April 1944 to 18 July 1944. Detailing operations flown from RAF Dunholme Lodge. Aircraft flown was Lancaster. He carried out a total of 21 operations with 44 Squadron as an air gunner on the following targets in…

Target photograph shows explosions with dust and smoke clouds. Some target indicator flares are to right. Rural area with some buildings visible in top left with track crossing left to right. Captioned '429.E.W.S. 30.7.44//8" 2.500 200(Degrees) 08.32…

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book covering the period 18 March 1944 to 28 July 1944. Details training and 17 operations, ten night time and seven daylight, all with Flight Officer Townsend as pilot in Lancaster aircraft. Targets were in…

P M Edge’s Flying Log Book as a bomb aimer from 20th March 1943 until 28th September 1944. Initial bombing and gunnery training at 41 Air School in South Africa, before posting back to the UK in September 1943. Further training at 10 Advanced…

Extracts from publications giving details of all operations by 467 and 463 Squadrons from 10 September 1944 to 25 April 1945. Details include number of aircraft, target, bombloads and losses. Interspersed are details of operations carried out by…

Shows maps of North Wales and the Midlands as well as an explanation of the Douglas protractor as well as diagrams of the Dalton computer and photographs of Wellington. Describes training at RAF Lichfield from end of March to 21 June 1944. Shows…

Harry joined the Royal Australian Air Force on 25 June 1942 as a wireless operator/air gunner and received his initial training in Australia before going to Canada for his trade training.

He sailed on the SS Johan Van Barneve to San Francisco and…

Writes that they had now completed 13 [..] trips and he had seen Paris in broad daylight. States that nights operation had been cancelled. The trips he enjoyed were those in support of the Army. Mentions Caen and the beach head. States he felt he was…
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