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  • Tags: Women’s Auxiliary Air Force

An airman and a WAAF on a rowing boat.

The three WAAFs are standing on grass.

Three photographs.
#1 and 2 a relaxed group of five sitting in a boat.
#3 the group are sitting on the grass.

Richard Skepper was born in Sevenoaks and volunteered of the RAF. He served as a flight mechanic on 7 Squadron at RAF Oakington.

Airwoman’s service and release book for Mary Kathleen Kirkbright (465398) from 11 November 1942 to 27 May 1946 including personal details.

Mollie Wray in civilian clothing and Peggy Johnson in uniform standing in a garden.
Captioned 'Mollie Wray and WAAF Peggy Johnson 1.'

Head and shoulders photograph of Eva Akenhead in uniform wearing a cap with badge and great coat.

48 airmen, one WAAF and an officer in three rows in front of a Halifax with 'BABE' bare breasted pin up nose art.

Summary written by grandchild of William and Mollie Wray of 67 Lincoln Road Branston. Servicemen and women billeted with the family were: Patrick Richard Owen (61285, RAFVR); Desmond (Des) Ossiter Sands; Eva Akenhead; Mollie Ford and Sidney Kaufman.…

A paperback copy of Air Publication 87 with the name of Cpl Parsons written on the front cover. Contains some 230 recipes for soups, meat, fish, vegetables and puddings along with quantities of various foodstuffs for 100 men and methods for…

Personal, handwritten book of cook's recipes and notes. Inside the front cover is the owner's name: "ACW2 Parsons, M 423822" , some personal messages and a short poem. The note book is filled with recipes and notes on cuts of meat and preparation…

A line of airmen with three airwomen at the right standing in front of a Lancaster.

12 photographs of Josef and his crew's funeral.
#1 WAAFs and airmen holding wreaths at the graveside.
#2 coffins at the graveside
#3 airmen, Ella and Reg at the graveside.
#4 the procession of coffins.
#5 is airmen mourners
#6 and 7 are a…

A crowd of mainly airwomen at the end of runway, waving off aircraft.

Fourteen airmen in a group standing, squatting and standing with an airwoman sitting centre of front row. In the background the front of a Lancaster with bow legged man nose art and the words 'How Stap Me'

Six airmen and one airwoman standing around or sitting in a car with a Lancaster in the background. The car registration is BMP726 and it has 'The Menace' painted above the windscreen.

Seven airmen and two women sitting on top of a vehicle with a Lancaster and another airman pulling a bomb trolley in the background.

A large group of smiling people including servicemen, members of Women's Auxiliary Air Force and ladies in civilian dress crowded inLincoln'sAssembly Roomsdecorated with union flag.

A group of spectators lined up waving off a departing Lancaster. A motorbike in the foreground.

Seven aircrew gathered round a table drinking from mugs while talking to a seated flight officer.

Servicemen and servicewomen in uniform and one woman in civilian dress behind a long counter. Bunting and flags decorate the room. A sergeant stands in front of counter on the left.

Servicemen and servicewomen in uniform and one woman in civilian dress behind a long counter. Bunting and flags decorate the room.

A large group including RAF male and female personnel and some civilian women gathered inside large room.
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