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  • Tags: RAF Dishforth

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for R M Curnock, covering the period from 28 July 1943 to 25 February 1944 and from 18 September 1946 to 26 October 1946. He was shot down on 25 February 1944 and became a prisoner of…

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers refurbishing the memorial to "The Fifty" and the construction of a replica hut 104 at Zagan., the 65th anniversary of the Great Escape, the Royal Windsor Tattoo, a POW day at High…

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated 'LMG. 143. F/O Brownell. 427'

A vertical aerial photograph of Dishforth. Hangars and dispersals can be clearly seen. The central grass area has been camouflaged but the grass runways can be identified. Several aircraft are visible.
It is captioned '11 TPC 28.5.43 //F5" 6"=1 mile…

Seven airmen in a line in front of their Halifax. On the reverse -
' A "Hally" 5 at Dishforth (?)
Left to Right
Bernatchez (B)
Brassard (P)
Alarie Tieven [crossed out] (R.G.)
Bourke (N)
Lalond (MU. G)
Self (E)
Tieven (Wop)'
' "C" of…

The nose of a Halifax with the pilot leaning out of the cockpit. On the reverse '[indecipherable FD-O Prior to our last H.C.U. flight 23rd May 1945.'
and '1695 HCU Dishforth Halifax MkIII'.

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for J R Lee, flight engineer, covering the period from 15 November 1942 to 15 August 1943 where he was listed as missing and was the only survivor of his crew that crashed in France and became a…

Pilots flying log book for G H Dryhurst, covering the period from 29 August 1941 to 27 August 1942, when he was shot down and became a prisoner of war and from 20 July 1945. He was stationed at RAF Peterborough (17 EFTS), RAF Cranwell (RAF College…

A Halifax nose with 12 airmen perched on top. Each man is identified by name, trade, air force and home town.
The nose art is a cartoon of a woman, painted 'Tak Yer Time I'm Easy'. 56 bombs are painted on. Under the cockpit is 'Beryle'.
There is a…

A detailed Biography of Reg' service and post service life.

Half length portrait of two officers wearing uniform tunics with flight engineer brevet, medal ribbons, and peaked caps, Side by side. Man on the left has pathfinder badge. On the reverse 'L-R, Thomas "Tom" Jones DFC, Roy Baker, May 1946, 1332 HCU…

Twelve airmen, eleven wearing battledress and the other a tunic, nine standing and three sitting in front. In the background part of a Hangar. On the reverse 'Seated l-R, Cadman, Edwards, Turtle. Standing 2nd L Davies, 3rd R McCallum. April 1956,…

Reg Harrison grew up on a farm in Saskatchewan, Canada and enjoyed watching aircraft when they flew over. He had his first flight as a youngster after borrowing five dollars from a shopkeeper. He volunteered for aircrew as soon as he was of age and…

Introduces the visitors book started on 30 December 1931 to 13 September 1959. The World War 2 part has 46 pages have a large number of signatures of Canadian airmen. Next a sketch map of RCAF and RAF airfields in North Yorkshire. Account of a visit…

17 photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a view of three buildings, annotated 'Dishforth'.
Photo 2 is a side view of an aircraft, annotated 'Hastings Mk 1'.
Photo 3 is an aerial view of two Ansons, annotated 'Ansons (1949)'.
Photo 4 is a view…

A Whitley letters 'YY' parked in front of a Hangar. Legs of personnel can be seen on the far side of the aircraft. Submitted with caption 'Whitley at Dishforth in Pre WWII Sqn Mark'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

A head and shoulders portrait of Rochelle Burns in uniform.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.
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