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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 1

Gives short details of participants mentioning that Heinz Rökke achieved 64 victories with NJG2. Flight Sergeant Jack Bromfield was wireless operator /air gunner with 158 (Halifax) Squadron. Starts with Rökke and Bromfield discussing the latter's…

An identity card issued to Arthur by the Germans.

Arthur writes that he is well and tells them not to worry and cheer his wife up.

A head and shoulders portrait of Arthur's wife. On the reverse is Arthur's address as a prisoner of war, his home address and a photographer's stamp.

Arthur Mace's POW dog tags.

A log of Arthur's time as a prisoner of war. It contains sketches of daily life, items constructed from tins, poems, list of rations, contents of Red Cross parcels, daily menus, recipes, theatre productions and extracts from letters.

DFM gazetted 2 Jan 1940 when he was a Corporal air gunner on 99 Squadron. Citation records action on 16/17 Jun 1944 as flight engineer in 550 Squadron Lancaster. Hit by flak which damage port engines, continued to attempt to bomb despite stuck bomb…

Concerns crew captained by Flying Officer A Robertson RCAF including Flight Sergeant Jack Bromfield as wireless operation. Lists crew. Gives account of their 12th operation to Hanover where their Halifax was attacked and shot down by a Ju 88 flown by…

Includes many of his drawings including train locomotive, Halifax bomber, many caricatures and cartoon as well as abstracts of crew operations. Poem by William Blake. Article on the origination and function of the "food Acco". Note that he was shot…

Michael Peel was posted to 44 Squadron based at RAF Dunholme Lodge. On one operation, at midnight, his crew wished him a happy 21st birthday. On another occasion, they found they still had a bomb in the bomb bay and, as the Flying Control did not…

Letters from Fred to his wife and family. He writes that he is well and they should not worry about him.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A newssheet produced by the inmates of Stalag Luft 1. With some humour it describes the end of their confinement at the camp.

Map of Eastern Europe with prisoner of war camps marked with Stalag Luft I, III, IV and VI underlined.

A small scale map showing the location of prisoner of war camps. A typewritten note has been attached with corrections.

Dairy contains drawings, poetry, names and addresses, and cigarette packets.

A map of 41 POW camp locations. The key gives each camp's name and number.

A panoramic view of the camp from the roof of a hut. Several huts can be seen.

The photo was taken from inside the main camp. The larger building in the background is the Luftwaffe Feld-Flakartillerie-Schule 11.

A watchtower at Stalag Luft 1. It is at the corner of fences. In the distance is a church and village.

Four men in civilian clothes, three carrying milk churns. behind is a hut.
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