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  • Tags: 6 Group

A list of the 33 operations undertaken by Dennis from 17 September 1944 to 15 April 1945. Each operation has a small description of the task.

A report on what happened to Halifax NP934. Information collated from operational record books, RAF reports, Herbert Browne's report (sole survivor of NR118 crash), Henry Wagner's report, analysis of the losses on the night of 17/18 December and SHJ…

Letters from air secretary branch stating that commissioning parchment was being prepared. Letter from RAF Historian researcher stating that he would obtain and send on the recommendation for his Distinguished Flying Cross and also copies of all his…

Shows operation tracks for all Groups to Dusseldorf. Shows combats as well as encounters with other aircraft.

Airmen marching in front of York Minster.
On the reverse 'Bill Stephen - Front row centre
6 Group Service VE day '45
Gr. Capt Rutledge Leading'.

34 airmen arranged in three rows at Allerton Castle.
Information supplied with the collection states 'Staff officers at 6 (RCAF) Group Group HQ. Allerton Park. Grp. Capt. Lane is seated fourth from right, on his right Grp. Capt. Johnny Fauquier,…

A certificate awarded to F/L RK Mitchell DFC and crew. The target is identified as 'Moss Mining', date 15/16 February 1945. Mitchell's crew is named and their is a photograph of a mine being parachuted. There are silhouettes of two stylised…

A card with a target photograph of an operation at Osnabruck. The crew is listed.
‘F/O Potter
F/O Rutherford
F/O Mjolnese
F/O Reid
Sgt Taylor
Sgt Tuer
Sgt Searle’

A card with an aerial photograph taken during an operation. The target was Emden and the crew members are listed.
‘F/O Potter
F/O Rutherford
F/O Mjolsness
F/O Reid
Sgt Taylor
Sgt Tuer
Sgt Searle’

A brief history of 428 Squadron, formed at Dalton on 7 November 1942, part of No. 4 Group then transferred to No. 6 Group at Middleton St George. Some of the operations are discussed, as are the aircraft flown by the squadron. There is a list of…

Bob Sharrock's story. He was born near Wigan, his father a coal miner. He worked locally until old enough to sign up. He trained at Lords cricket ground, Torquay then St Athan. Posted to Dishforth, he suffered a compressed spine during a Halifax…

Bob's memoirs in the RAF. His training started at Lords cricket ground then Torquay. Technical training was at St Athan. At this time he met Dorothy. In March 1944 he was posted to Dishforth where his aircraft crashed damaging his spine.

Arthur Vickers worked for the Coop before he volunteered for the Air Force. After training he completed an tour of operations as a flight engineer. He discusses life on the station and on operations including a trip when they though they might have…

This was the operation on which Ian Wynn's aircraft was lost. Captain was Squadron Leader P R Turgel. Item contains: 1. A list of crews on the operation. 2. Map of routes to target. 3. Luftwaffe night fighter combat claims for 25/26 May 1943. 4.…

Iris McClements remembers being issued with a gas mask at the age of 11, before the war started. Her family moved to Eldwick when she was about 13 to avoid the bombs. She joined the Women’s Junior Air Corps and recalls being issued with a bucket,…

Fred Hooker was a mid-upper gunner on 102 Squadron at RAF Pocklington, where he flew three operations before being shot down. Born in Hartley Wintney in 1924, Fred’s first experience of the RAF was visiting RAF Odiham as a member of the Air…

Bob Culpin worked for the civil service before joining the RAF in 1941. He was posted to Alabama for pilot training but was remustered and instead, completed a navigation course in Miami. When he returned to Great Britain, Culpin formed a…

Harry Winter grew up in Cardiff and worked in a paper mill from the age of 14. He served in the Home Guard before he volunteered for the Air Force. After training as a wireless operator at RAF Yatesbury he flew operations over Germany, France, and…

Shows two bomb loads for eight and three aircraft respectively. Includes H-hour, preselection , false height and distributor settings as well as other bombing information. On the reverse; objective 'to destroy concentration of rolling stock,…

Clair was born in Radisson, Canada and joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in December 1940. He flew 45 operations. He enlisted at Saskatoon and trained at Brandon. Guard duty in Saskatoon followed before Calgary for wireless training. He was…
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