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  • Tags: medical officer

Envelope and four certificates for yellow fever, smallpox, typhoid and tetanus.

During his time as medical officer at RAF Waddington, James Burt was responsible for inspecting sanitation and food hygiene as well as general medicine. On one occasion he also had to travel to RAF Tangmere to investigate the death of a member of…

James Burt conducted his medical training St Andrew’s University in Scotland. Although he and his friends had tried to join a Service during the war their training was a Reserved Occupation and not only were they refused but they were strictly told…

Full length image of an RAF squadron leader wearing tunic standing on grass with bushes in the background.

Alan writes thanking his parents for their later and newspapers. They have been for a long march in the sun and are suffering.

RAF Form 1657A issued to Dick for Yellow Fever.

Left page: top left, a report of a gorse fire on Harpenden Common. Centre, seagull in flight, annotated 'original photograph taken by Bob'.Top right, weather report; middle, attendees at a police dance, annotated 'Geoff Shaw was in the same squadron…

The three are standing at a double door entrance.

Giving news of a colleague's visit to the medical officer and expressing thanks that George was safe and hoping he gets well soon, following his hospitalisation after his aircraft had been shot down on an operation. Offering to collect his personal…

The letter recommends that Flight Lieutenant Nicklin and Flying Officer WF Martin are taken off operational flying and made tour expired.

Don was a Flight Engineer with No 44 (Rhodesia) Squadron in 1944-45 at Dunholme Lodge and later at Spilsby and completed 31 operations.
Don lists his 31 operations and recounts how having arrived for the briefing for his first operation, he was…

A half length portrait of Bobby with an aircraft roundel behind. On the reverse 'Robert Logan Ewing' and 'Bobby' and 'The Doc'.

#1 is five ground crew standing in front of two crash trucks.
#2 is 12 men and women from the SSQ staff.
#3 is 12 men and women in front of trucks, captioned 'Staff'.
#4 is a red and white control caravan.
#5 is an ambulance.
#6 is a Nissen hut…

#1 is a portrait of a woman sitting on a tree stump, captioned 'Margaret Agnew Benoni'.
#2 is Station Sick Quarters staff at RAF Wigsley. Captioned 'Berry, Duncan, Gibbs, Williams, Corthine, Hobbley, Smith, Crowther, Sinclair, Green, Rattie'. Robert…

#1 is a river scene. On the right is a railway.
#2 is a river scene, captioned 'Wigsley 1944'.
#3 is a half length portrait of an airman, captioned 'F/Lt Arthur Clegg Wigsley 1944'.

#1, 3 and 7 are Lincoln Cathedral. #2 are swans on River Witham, Lincoln. #4 are the staff of RAF Wigsley SSQ, 1943. Captioned' Berry, Duncan,Gibbs, Williams, Corthine, Hobley, Smith, Moor, Sinclair, Green, Crowther'. #5 shows an ambulance, labelled…

Covers early life and reasons for joining up. Mentions initial posting to flying control at Grimsby followed by posting to Cranwell for training in flying control. Postings to Grimsby and Fighter Command Norfolk. Goes on with Katie's description of…

Mentions seeing medical officer and got shampoo and pills. Hope to get trip over soon but leave situation looked blacker than ever. Mentions her health issue and that he could not sleep.

Frank's aircrew recruit medical, found fit for aircrew.

Part of document - includes medical officers certificate - recommendation for commission. Followed by similar document with different signatures but same recommendations and extra remarks. Both signed by WRP Perry.

He is standing drinking from a beer mug. He is dressed in khaki and shorts. On the reverse 'Wing Commander Walsh. Principle Medical Officer RAF Tengah Singapore October 1946.'

Marion Clark grew up in Lincolnshire and served as driver at RAF Hemswell and RAF Ingham. She discusses her role as a driver and life on a bomber station.

A cartoon of two WAAFs with throbbing arms after being inoculated by a medical officer.

A card printed with the name 'Group Captain AA Gordon Corbet Royal Canadian Air Force' and handwritten 'Medical'.
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