Dennis Moore's Operational Record
Dennis Moore's Operational Record
A list of the 33 operations undertaken by Dennis from 17 September 1944 to 15 April 1945. Each operation has a small description of the task.
Spatial Coverage
Four handwritten sheets
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SMooreD1603117v10021, SMooreD1603117v10022, SMooreD1603117v10023, SMooreD1603117v10024
1 17/9/44 BOULOGNE
762 A/C. 370 Lancs. 351 Halifax 41 Mossies
Dropped more than 3000 tons of Bombs on German positions around Boulogne in preparation for an attack by Allied Troops. The German Garrison surrendered soon afterwards (1 Halifax & 1 Lancaster lost)
2 23/24 NEUSS
549 a/c. 378 Lancs 154 Halifax & 17 Mossies
Most of the bombing fell in the dock & factory area. A short local report only says that 617 Houses/14 Public Buildings wer [sic] destroyed and 289 people killed/150 injured. 5 Lancs & 2 Halifax lost
3 26/9/44 CAP GRIS NEZ
722 A/C 388 Lancaster 289 Halifax & 45 Mossies
- 531 aircraft to CAP GRIS NEZ (4 targets) and 191 a/c. to 3 targets in CALAIS. Accurate and intense bombing of all targets. 1 Lancaster lost.
4 28/9/44 CALAIS.
341 a/c. 222 Lancasters. 84 Halifax & 35 Mossies
Target area covered in cloud but Marker Bomber brought the force below cloud to bomb visually. Bombing was accurate. 1 Lancaster lost
5 14/10/44 DUISBERG.
This raid was part of a special operation (See page 601 of BC. [indecipherable word].
1013 A/C. 519 Lancaster, 474 Halifaxes 20 Mosquitos with RAF fighters escorting. 3574 Tons of HE & 820 Tons incendiary. 13 Lancasters 1 Halifax Lost
6 15/16/10/44 WILHEMSHAVEN
506 A/C. 257 Halifax, 241 Lancasters 8 Mossies
Last of 14 major raid on [inserted] PORT of [/inserted] WILHEMSHAVEN – Bomber Command claimed “Severe damage” caused.
7 19/10/44 STUTTGART
565 Lancasters 18 Mossies in 2 forces 4 Hours apart. 6 Lancasters lost. Serious damage caused to central and Eastern districts (including BOSCH factory)
[page break]
8 23/24 Oct 1944 ESSEN
1055 A/C. 561 Lancasters 463 Halifax and 31 Mossies. 5 Lancs and 3 Halifax lost.
This was the heaviest raid on ESSEN so far in the war and the number of A/C also the greatest number to any target (These records achieved [underlined] without [/underlined] Lancs of 5 Group!! 4538 Tons of Bombs dropped.
9 29/10 WALCHEREN (West Kapelle)
358 A/C. 194 Lancs, 128 H & 36 Mos.
1 Lancaster lost. 11 different ground positions attacked. Visibility was good and results were accurate.
10 4/11 SOLINGEN
176 Lancs of 3 Group – 4 Lost. The raid was not considered successful as bombing scattered.
11 28/11 NEUSS.
145 Lancs of 3 Group & 8 of 1 Group GH attack. – None lost. Modest damage.
“MASTER BOMBER” 56 Lancaster of 3 Group attempt Dam on River Roer [sic] (Rur) to help American Army – Cloud cover only 2 a/c Bombed – No losses
13 6/[deleted] 7 [/deleted] [inserted] 12 [/inserted] [deleted] Nov [/deleted] LEUNA (MERSEBERG)
475 Lancs (5 Lost) – Oil target in Eastern Germany 500 miles from UK. – Cloud cover But considerable damage to the Synthetic oil plant
14 8 [deleted] Nov [/deleted] [inserted] DEC [/inserted] DUISBERG
163 Lancaster of 3 Gp. GH through cloud on Railway Yards. – Good results – No loss
15 14/15 [deleted] Nov [/deleted] [inserted] DEC. [/inserted] MINING KATTEGAT.
30 Lancasters + 9 Halifax – No loss – Diverted Lossiemouth
16 28 December COLOGNE (GREMBERG)
167 Lancs. of 3 Gp. – Marshalling Yards – Accurate Bombing No Loss
[page break]
146 a/c of 3 Gp. Successful attack on Railway yards. 1 Lost.
18 3/1 DORTMUND.
99 Lancs of 3 Gp. GH attacks through cloud on COKING Plant (HANSA) – Accurate Bombing – 1 Lost
19 7/8 January MUNICH
645 Lancs with 1, 3, 5, 6 8 Gps. 11 Lost and 4 crash in France. – Very successful and severe Damage (TERRY has BOOK)
20 13/[deleted] [indecipherable number] [/deleted] SAARBRUCKEN
[deleted] 2 [/deleted] 158 Lancs. of 3 Gp. attack Railway yards. Accurate but some overshooting – 1 Lost (Divert Dredannock)
21 16/17 Jan. WANNE EICKEL.
138 Lancs 3 Gp. attack Benzol plant – 1 Lost.
153 Lancs 3 Gp. Attack on Railway Yard Good visibility – Result variable. 3 Lost and 1 crash in France.
151 Lancs of 3 Gp Attack Railway yards 2 Lancs Lost
24 19/2 WESEL.
168 Lancs of 3 Gp. – Good attack with best concentration around Railway area. (Leading a/c for whole GROUP (ie “In Front”) 1 Lost
25 2/3 COLOGNE
858 A/C. – 155 Lancs 3 Gp. – only 15 of 3 Gp Bombed because of GH Failure – Others highly destructive. 6 Lancs lost – Cologne captured by Americans 4 days later.
128 Lancs 3 Gp. – GH. – No loss.
170 Lancs 3 Gp – GH – Led Group (‘In Front again)! 1 Lancaster lost.
[page break]
28 11/3. ESSEN (Led Base)
1079 a/c (750 Lancs). 3 Lancs lost Attack accurate and ESSEN paralysed
29 22/3. BOCHULT
100 Lancs 3 Gp. G-H. – Town on Fire No Loss. Led Squadron.
30 23/3. WESEL.
Special GH Attack – 80 Lancs 3 Gp. – No Losses. (Signal from EISEHOWER) [sic]
130 Lancs 3 Gp. G-H on Benzol Plant. Led Squadron. No loss
32 9/10 April. KIEL BAY MINING.
70 Lancs – No Loss on Mining but 4 lost on Main Raid on KIEL (very accurate) Pocket Battle Ship Admiral Scheer hit and capsized Admiral Hipper & tender badley [sic] damaged.
33 [deleted] 14/April [/deleted] 14/15 April POTSDAM
500 Lancs – 1 Lost to night fighter Attack successful and severe damage caused
[symbol] END
762 A/C. 370 Lancs. 351 Halifax 41 Mossies
Dropped more than 3000 tons of Bombs on German positions around Boulogne in preparation for an attack by Allied Troops. The German Garrison surrendered soon afterwards (1 Halifax & 1 Lancaster lost)
2 23/24 NEUSS
549 a/c. 378 Lancs 154 Halifax & 17 Mossies
Most of the bombing fell in the dock & factory area. A short local report only says that 617 Houses/14 Public Buildings wer [sic] destroyed and 289 people killed/150 injured. 5 Lancs & 2 Halifax lost
3 26/9/44 CAP GRIS NEZ
722 A/C 388 Lancaster 289 Halifax & 45 Mossies
- 531 aircraft to CAP GRIS NEZ (4 targets) and 191 a/c. to 3 targets in CALAIS. Accurate and intense bombing of all targets. 1 Lancaster lost.
4 28/9/44 CALAIS.
341 a/c. 222 Lancasters. 84 Halifax & 35 Mossies
Target area covered in cloud but Marker Bomber brought the force below cloud to bomb visually. Bombing was accurate. 1 Lancaster lost
5 14/10/44 DUISBERG.
This raid was part of a special operation (See page 601 of BC. [indecipherable word].
1013 A/C. 519 Lancaster, 474 Halifaxes 20 Mosquitos with RAF fighters escorting. 3574 Tons of HE & 820 Tons incendiary. 13 Lancasters 1 Halifax Lost
6 15/16/10/44 WILHEMSHAVEN
506 A/C. 257 Halifax, 241 Lancasters 8 Mossies
Last of 14 major raid on [inserted] PORT of [/inserted] WILHEMSHAVEN – Bomber Command claimed “Severe damage” caused.
7 19/10/44 STUTTGART
565 Lancasters 18 Mossies in 2 forces 4 Hours apart. 6 Lancasters lost. Serious damage caused to central and Eastern districts (including BOSCH factory)
[page break]
8 23/24 Oct 1944 ESSEN
1055 A/C. 561 Lancasters 463 Halifax and 31 Mossies. 5 Lancs and 3 Halifax lost.
This was the heaviest raid on ESSEN so far in the war and the number of A/C also the greatest number to any target (These records achieved [underlined] without [/underlined] Lancs of 5 Group!! 4538 Tons of Bombs dropped.
9 29/10 WALCHEREN (West Kapelle)
358 A/C. 194 Lancs, 128 H & 36 Mos.
1 Lancaster lost. 11 different ground positions attacked. Visibility was good and results were accurate.
10 4/11 SOLINGEN
176 Lancs of 3 Group – 4 Lost. The raid was not considered successful as bombing scattered.
11 28/11 NEUSS.
145 Lancs of 3 Group & 8 of 1 Group GH attack. – None lost. Modest damage.
“MASTER BOMBER” 56 Lancaster of 3 Group attempt Dam on River Roer [sic] (Rur) to help American Army – Cloud cover only 2 a/c Bombed – No losses
13 6/[deleted] 7 [/deleted] [inserted] 12 [/inserted] [deleted] Nov [/deleted] LEUNA (MERSEBERG)
475 Lancs (5 Lost) – Oil target in Eastern Germany 500 miles from UK. – Cloud cover But considerable damage to the Synthetic oil plant
14 8 [deleted] Nov [/deleted] [inserted] DEC [/inserted] DUISBERG
163 Lancaster of 3 Gp. GH through cloud on Railway Yards. – Good results – No loss
15 14/15 [deleted] Nov [/deleted] [inserted] DEC. [/inserted] MINING KATTEGAT.
30 Lancasters + 9 Halifax – No loss – Diverted Lossiemouth
16 28 December COLOGNE (GREMBERG)
167 Lancs. of 3 Gp. – Marshalling Yards – Accurate Bombing No Loss
[page break]
146 a/c of 3 Gp. Successful attack on Railway yards. 1 Lost.
18 3/1 DORTMUND.
99 Lancs of 3 Gp. GH attacks through cloud on COKING Plant (HANSA) – Accurate Bombing – 1 Lost
19 7/8 January MUNICH
645 Lancs with 1, 3, 5, 6 8 Gps. 11 Lost and 4 crash in France. – Very successful and severe Damage (TERRY has BOOK)
20 13/[deleted] [indecipherable number] [/deleted] SAARBRUCKEN
[deleted] 2 [/deleted] 158 Lancs. of 3 Gp. attack Railway yards. Accurate but some overshooting – 1 Lost (Divert Dredannock)
21 16/17 Jan. WANNE EICKEL.
138 Lancs 3 Gp. attack Benzol plant – 1 Lost.
153 Lancs 3 Gp. Attack on Railway Yard Good visibility – Result variable. 3 Lost and 1 crash in France.
151 Lancs of 3 Gp Attack Railway yards 2 Lancs Lost
24 19/2 WESEL.
168 Lancs of 3 Gp. – Good attack with best concentration around Railway area. (Leading a/c for whole GROUP (ie “In Front”) 1 Lost
25 2/3 COLOGNE
858 A/C. – 155 Lancs 3 Gp. – only 15 of 3 Gp Bombed because of GH Failure – Others highly destructive. 6 Lancs lost – Cologne captured by Americans 4 days later.
128 Lancs 3 Gp. – GH. – No loss.
170 Lancs 3 Gp – GH – Led Group (‘In Front again)! 1 Lancaster lost.
[page break]
28 11/3. ESSEN (Led Base)
1079 a/c (750 Lancs). 3 Lancs lost Attack accurate and ESSEN paralysed
29 22/3. BOCHULT
100 Lancs 3 Gp. G-H. – Town on Fire No Loss. Led Squadron.
30 23/3. WESEL.
Special GH Attack – 80 Lancs 3 Gp. – No Losses. (Signal from EISEHOWER) [sic]
130 Lancs 3 Gp. G-H on Benzol Plant. Led Squadron. No loss
32 9/10 April. KIEL BAY MINING.
70 Lancs – No Loss on Mining but 4 lost on Main Raid on KIEL (very accurate) Pocket Battle Ship Admiral Scheer hit and capsized Admiral Hipper & tender badley [sic] damaged.
33 [deleted] 14/April [/deleted] 14/15 April POTSDAM
500 Lancs – 1 Lost to night fighter Attack successful and severe damage caused
[symbol] END
Dennis Moore, “Dennis Moore's Operational Record,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 15, 2025,
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