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  • Tags: childhood in wartime

Eric Sinclair in uniform and his wife wearing a coat and hat walking holding the hands of a child in a kilt between them.

Nelson Nix grew up as a child during the war. His father kept the village shop and was also a special constable and member of the Observer Corps which later became the Royal Observer Corps. The post had access to the Darkie sets which were used to…

Two part interview with Bob Panton.

Part 1. Bob Panton was a child during the war. One day as his father was coming towards their house Bob saw three Dornier 17 come into view. Then out of the sun came six Spitfires and a battle started in front…

Reg Herring was living in London at the start of the war with his father and elder brother. His father built a shelter that collapsed after a heavy rainfall. Reg was evacuated to Sizewell and then to near Birmingham. After the war Reg returned to…

Cliff Thorpe and Roy Smith grew up in the village of Elsham while RAF Elsham Wolds was operational.

Interview in two parts.
Part one.
Chris Allison served as a flight engineer. He answers questions from school children about what it was like to fly in a Lancaster.
Also taking part in this interview was Tony Bradley who was a child in Hull…

Bernard Bell was a child in Scunthorpe during the war.

Dennis Brader worked at the site of RAF Wickenby where he did ground maintenance.

Anthony Mason grew up in the area around RAF Waddington and recalls some of the activity there during the war.

Anne Morgan Rose Harcombe was born in London in 1938 and was evacuated with her mother at the start of the war to live with her mother’s family in South Wales

Bob Butler in uniform standing in his sister's garden at 53 Davies Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham with his nephew, Dick Heslop. One annotated on the reverse: '53 Davies Road', 'May 1941'. One annotated on the reverse: 'R.W.H and Bob (Rbt. Butler)…

Gwendoline Thickett grew up in Rotherham and was a young girl at school when the Second World War began. She was in Sunday School at her local church when the news of the declaration of war was announced. Her parents had already begun to prepare for…

A public information leaflet published by Civil Defence. It gives information about the scheme to evacuate children to safer areas.

Geoff grew up in Grimsby and remembers picking a butterfly bomb up and taking it home.

Geoff was born and lived in the same area of Grimsby all his life, at the date of his interview he was 93. The first part of the interview concentrated on his…

Patricia Cook was born in Lincoln, one of eight children, during the Second World War. She recalls having to sleep four to a bed and having to share their house with complete strangers. They had the Morrison shelter table in their front room. The…

A letter sent from the West Bromwich Education Committee, signed by L.G. Rose, Evacuation Officer. The letter provides a list on what is necessary to prepare for when an evacuation is ordered, including what to pack.

A document from the West Bromwich Education Committee providing information and advice on the evacuation of West Bromwich.

A letter concerning the proposed government evacuation scheme detailing the circumstances for the proposed evacuations. The letter is signed by L.G. Rose Director of Education and Evacuation Officer.

A letter to George Shephard Johns' grandfather from George thanking him for his letter and post order. George says his mother was glad to see him.

Letter to George Shephard John's mother from Florence R Field. The letter informs Mrs Johns that George has arrived and reassures George's mother to not worry.

A letter signed by the headmaster of West Bromwich Grammar School, P. W. Butler. The letter concerns the decision to evacuate students.

A ministry of health pamphlet created for the parents of evacuated children. The pamphlet details the costs of the evacuation scheme and the government plan to set up an allowance to be paid each week by the parents of evacuated children. The…

A letter from George Shephard Johns sent to his mother and father, Harold Johns and Florence Shephard. George thanks his parents for their letter he received and lets them know he will be starting school and needs some books. He also tells his…

A postcard from George Shephard Johns sent to his mother and father, Harold Johns and Florence Shephard. In the postcard George thanks his parents for the card he received from them.
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