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  • Tags: bomb aimer

From Andrew's squadron commander expressing his sympathy at her loss. Andrew was popular for his 'cheerfulness, willingness and quiet confidence' and was a skilful air-bomber. He was on his 11th operation from the base.

Pat Hogan's account of being shot down and baling out when his aircraft was attacked by an intruder while back in United Kingdom. Aircraft was diverted due to intruder and was nearly out of fuel. After order to bale out Hogan had to go back to get…

Gives account of time at Bridlington which included training on basic navigation, bomb aiming, wireless operating and morse code. Also included physical training and drill. Mentions training on machine guns and then moved on to Lindholme, Pembrey,…

Frederick Cole grew up in Derby and was studying for a degree when he joined the Royal Air Force. He met his wife at an RAF dance during the war. He completed his degree after the war and had a career with Rolls Royce.

The first part is an eye witness account by Alan McDonald of an aircraft crash and its aftermath.
The second part describes the 'Skilling Follies', an aircrew who completed 25 operations from RAF Skellingthorpe.
The third part describes an…

Sam's graduation ceremony then further training on Battles and Astro on Ansons.
Photo 1 and 2 are the menu for the graduation meal.
Photo 3 is the ticket for the graduation dance.
Photo 4 is the tables set for the graduation meal.
Photo 5 is the…

The detailed biography begins with government measures at the start of National Service. Philip Hopgood volunteered and enlisted at Padgate, Warrington. He was classified as medically Grade 1. Initial training was at RAF Regent's Park (Lord's Cricket…

A biography of Alec written by his step sister's husband. He details the family history, his search for the grave site, his visit to the grave in 1992 and their research on the crash.

Seven airmen standing in front of their Halifax. It has 'The Ol' Ram' nose art. 47 operations are marked by painted bombs. There are also three swastikas.

Ministry of Defence news release. Account of memorial to Lancaster bomber crew who crashed near Michelbach on 28 January 1945. Tells of inspiration and building of monument by local man and unveiling along with representatives of the RAF and Federal…

Fourteen verse poem concerning Lancaster B for Baker. Individual verses for all aircrew

From Air Ministry casualty branch reporting that the Royal Air Force Missing Research and Inquiry Service in Holland had located husband's grave in Venlo. Goes on to describe graves of aircrew recovered from same crash. Mentions some facts about…

Letter to Bill's father from Station Commander RAF Melbourne, regarding the disposal of Bill's effects as he has failed to return from an operation.

A letter to David Geach's father advising him that his son is missing in action. The letter is signed by his Wing Commander. Included is a list of crew members and their addresses.

A detailed Biography of Reg' service and post service life.

A detailed account of Reg Payne's service in the RAF. He starts with a list of 18 RAF bases where he served in his 5 years of service. He was 16 when war was declared but volunteered for the RAF at 17. After tests he was selected for training as a…

This is his first letter from a prisoner of war camp. He is well and includes a list of items to be sent via the Red Cross.

Reg's account starting when he was shot down on an operation to Berlin. After Berlin he was transferred to Frankfurt for interrogation then by train to his camp. Camp life involved food, the preparation and acquisition of extra food by theft, trading…

Reg writes that he has yet to receive any mail. The weather has been good with lots of sporting activity.

A list of the other six members of Reg's crew...Harvey, Laurie Underwood, Jack McArdle, Bill Ross, John Bushell and Alec McCarroll.

A resume of 'Jack' Whymark's family and service career. Includes extracts from Jack’s diaries, details from his logbook and histories of the crew and passengers of Lancaster PA278.
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