Disposal of personal effects
Disposal of personal effects
Letter to Bill's father from Station Commander RAF Melbourne, regarding the disposal of Bill's effects as he has failed to return from an operation.
Temporal Coverage
One page typewritten letter
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Royal Air Force Station,
2nd June, 1944.
Ref: Mel/406/4/P.1.
Dear Mr. Brookes,
I am writing you regarding the disposal of your son's personal effects. An officer was specially detailed to collect his property from his quarters early on the morning following his failure to return. Every effort has been made to ensure that all property know to belong to your son was collected, including a search of the Sergeants' Mess and also the locker rooms.
Any service clothing or equipment has been extracted from the kit and returned to stores. The remainder, consisting of his personal property, in now being forwarded to :-
The President,
Standing Committee of Adjustment,
R. A. F. Central Depository,
Colebrook, Slough, Bucks.
You will probably hear from the President in the near future. Any enquiries regarding the effects should, in the first place, be addressed to him.
A Post Office Savings Book (York, No. 53671) which was amongst his personal papers, has been sent to the Director of Accounts, Air Ministry, Accounts 13, Whittington Road, Worcester. This is in accordance with the instructions laid down. Cash amounting to £2. 0s. 0d. Which was found, has been paid to the Accountant Officer for credit to your son's non-effective account.
Please accept my sincere personal sympathy with you during this anxious time of waiting, and I hope there will soon be good news of your son. I there is any way in which I can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to write to me.
Yours sincerely,
for Group Captain, Commanding,
[underlined] R.A.F. Station, Melbourne. [/underlined]
Mr. A. H. Brookes,
49A, The Drive,
North Harrow,
[underlined] Middlesex. [/underlined]
2nd June, 1944.
Ref: Mel/406/4/P.1.
Dear Mr. Brookes,
I am writing you regarding the disposal of your son's personal effects. An officer was specially detailed to collect his property from his quarters early on the morning following his failure to return. Every effort has been made to ensure that all property know to belong to your son was collected, including a search of the Sergeants' Mess and also the locker rooms.
Any service clothing or equipment has been extracted from the kit and returned to stores. The remainder, consisting of his personal property, in now being forwarded to :-
The President,
Standing Committee of Adjustment,
R. A. F. Central Depository,
Colebrook, Slough, Bucks.
You will probably hear from the President in the near future. Any enquiries regarding the effects should, in the first place, be addressed to him.
A Post Office Savings Book (York, No. 53671) which was amongst his personal papers, has been sent to the Director of Accounts, Air Ministry, Accounts 13, Whittington Road, Worcester. This is in accordance with the instructions laid down. Cash amounting to £2. 0s. 0d. Which was found, has been paid to the Accountant Officer for credit to your son's non-effective account.
Please accept my sincere personal sympathy with you during this anxious time of waiting, and I hope there will soon be good news of your son. I there is any way in which I can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to write to me.
Yours sincerely,
for Group Captain, Commanding,
[underlined] R.A.F. Station, Melbourne. [/underlined]
Mr. A. H. Brookes,
49A, The Drive,
North Harrow,
[underlined] Middlesex. [/underlined]
RAF Melbourne, “Disposal of personal effects,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 17, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/26662.
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