Letter to Reg Wilson's Family



Letter to Reg Wilson's Family


Reg writes that he has yet to receive any mail. The weather has been good with lots of sporting activity.




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One handwritten sheet


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3rd June ‘44

My dear Mum, Dad, & Fmly, [sic] Another week has passed and the mail situation is still the same. Everytime letters come in I’m on my toes hoping, but with no success so far. Don’t worry though because it will come soon, the margin is narrowing all the time and it will be any day now. Have you written at all to the Bombaimer’s or John’s people I would like to know if you have, and of course if there’s any news of the rest. The weather up till yesterday has been extremely good and very warm. Most of us have been running around in shorts getting quite brown. Outdoor activities have been numerous, there have athletic meetings and race meetings to bring in the spirit of Whitsun. Football is still the main centre of interest and there have been some spectacular matches Army versus RAF, South Africans versus Wales. Incidently [sic] the South Africans celebrated “Union Day” with quite a burst of sport, and some Zulu War dances in full dress to give the atmosphere. We had a Dance in our hut recently and the lack of females did not deter us from having a pleasant time. The scenery around here is quite pretty and it takes my thoughts homeward very often, it helps me to regain some of the more pleasant things I’m missing now. Nevertheless I may be home in the near future with you all and Pat, & this life can be forgotten, there will always be the future – cheerio

[underlined] Reg [/underlined]


Reg Wilson, “Letter to Reg Wilson's Family,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 27, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/35900.

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