Browse Items (218 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Germany--Leipzig"

Hazy target photograph showing tracer on left and an arrow middle right side. Captioned '4039METH 20/21.3.45//NT08", 1 HC4000 IN 15 GP 500 DT22 Sec W/C LEVIS'. Submitted with description 'Target photo of Bohlen synthetic oil refinery, dated…

Shows two bomb loads for eight and three aircraft respectively. Includes H-hour, preselection , false height and distributor settings as well as other bombing information. On the reverse; objective 'to destroy concentration of rolling stock,…

Headed 'Leipzig' in red. Two bomb loads one for main and the other for three aircraft. Details preselection and time delay settings as well as other information including window and nickels. Describes marking methods, spoof attack on Berlin. On the…

Indicates two bomb loads, one for seven aircraft the other for eleven. Includes H-hour, weights, preselection and distributor settings, Heights and false height settings and other notes. Annotated with weight calculation. On the reverse; objective…

H-hour stated as '0345'. Shows two bomb loads for seven and nine aircraft respectively. Details preselection, distributor, false height and other weapon settings. Weight calculations in the top margin and three aircraft are annotated with 'X'. On the…

Indicates two bomb loads, one for six aircraft and the other for twelve. Includes H-hour time, preselection and distributor settings,weights, height and false height settings and other notes. On the reverse; aiming instructions, target marking,…

Indicates two bomb loads for fourteen and seven aircraft respectively. States H-hour and details preselection, distributor and false height settings as well as other details. On the reverse; objective 'to destroy distillation plant (benzene)'.…

Tells of engagement by enemy Me-110s in area of Stendal when the flight engineer, mid upper gunner, navigator and wireless operator were wounded. The aircraft suffered damaged and suffered further attacks but one enemy fighter was probably destroyed.…

Pilot’s flying log book for Flight Lieutenant Cecil H Phillips from 11 July 1942 to 20 August 1950. Detailing training schedule, instructional duties and operations flown. Served at RAF Cranwell, RAF Finningley, RAF Lindholme, RAF Faldingworth, RAF…

Account of operation to Leipzig when aircraft was engaged by enemy fighters. Four of the crew were injured, two severely. Describes action of subsequent attacks. Sergeant Wright, although wounded and fainting three time continues to perform his…

C.R. Brown’s Flying Log Book from 5 April 1942 to 7 May 1946 detailing training, operations and instructional duties as a bomb aimer. Based at Portage La Prairie (No. 7 Air Observers School), Paulson (No. 7 Bombing and Gunnery School), Winnipeg…

A memoir of David Storey's service from 27 May 1943 to April 1944. He describes his 32 completed operations as a navigator on Halifaxes and including details of incidents and aircraft losses.

This item was provided, in digital form, by a…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for David Storey, navigator, covering the period from 3 October 1942 to 6 June 1946, and from 25 June 1949 to 29 November 1952. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, instructor duties and…

A handwritten account of Don Falgate's tour between 10 September 1944 and 7 April 1945. The account includes his observations and calculations about the percentage of aircraft lost. He carried out a total of 32 day and night-time operations on…

Navigator’s air bombers and air gunner’s flying log book for Donald Fraser DFM, flight engineer, covering the period from 17 July 1943 to 25 February 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at…
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