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  • Tags: pilot

Made out for Pilot Officer William Roy Peter Perry. Narrative mentions completed 20 operations, showing outstanding skill and determination. Skilful airmanship enabled gunner to shoot down enemy fighter. Twice had to recover aircraft on three engine…

Recounts meeting three men named John Mitchell in the space of a few weeks. The first was a signals officer at RAF Spilsby when the author was a wireless operator on Lancaster. He relates some of his experiences surviving two tours on Whitley and…

Writes informing her that Dermot Hegarty was killed recently. Correspondent was his mid-upper gunner and describes aircraft's engines cut after take off. While Hay bailed out, Dermot, the rear gunner and wireless operator did not get out. He, the…

Fourteen verse poem concerning Lancaster B for Baker. Individual verses for all aircrew

Brief Resumé of Initial Flying Training and operational experiences on 106 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Bob Allen DSO with sorties against the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Battleships in the Port of Brest.

Made out to Geoffrey Maxwell Michell Langworthy. Gives description and airman ranks and trades held.

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A half length portrait of Alec Cranswick. At the foot is a handwritten annotation 'Ramsay-Muspratt Oxford Cambridge'.

A brief biography of Grandad Miles. He spent the war in Dover repairing and constructing buildings. Reg discusses flying over Dover in bomber attacks near Boulogne.

A detailed Biography of Reg' service and post service life.

A letter to Reg's parents with a note explaining what he had not included in the letter. The letter advises he reached Rufforth after an overnight train journey from London. He has started flying training trips. He has been to York to watch films. In…

This is his first letter from a prisoner of war camp. He is well and includes a list of items to be sent via the Red Cross.

Reg advises he has received his wings and wishes his mother happy birthday.

A list of the other six members of Reg's crew...Harvey, Laurie Underwood, Jack McArdle, Bill Ross, John Bushell and Alec McCarroll.

A biography of Reg by his son. He started the war as a 17 year old ambulance driver in Coventry. Later, in the RAF, his Halifax was shot down and he spent the rest of his war as a prisoner of war. He was married for 64 years. His father was an…

Alex was fostered by the cricketer Bill Woodfull and studied at Melbourne University. He had to go from Somers to defend his decision to join up in 1942. He trained at Benalla and converted onto Wirraways at Deniliquin where he qualified as a pilot.…

A resume of 'Jack' Whymark's family and service career. Includes extracts from Jack’s diaries, details from his logbook and histories of the crew and passengers of Lancaster PA278.

Head and shoulders portrait of a Polish airman wearing tunic with Polish pilot's brevet and medal ribbons. Three versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img161'. and the third with no further information.

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