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  • Tags: tractor

The document begins with a foreword by Geoffrey Raebel to his son, Shaun. There then follows an introduction to Bob Raebel's early life and his joining the Royal Australian Air Force in 1940 in a ground trade. He left Australia in 1941 as a member of…

A row of five Lancaster parked with snow on the ground. A tractor on the left with bomb on trolley.

Front view of two airmen sitting on a David Brown towing tractor.

Top left shows a Saro Cloud flying boat with ground personnel surrounding it. An RAF petrol bowser can be seen being towed by a tractor. The top right shows personnel standing next to a Percival Vega Gull. Bottom left shows aircraft on the grass in…

Front/port view of a Lancaster being loaded with bombs., watched by the aircrew.

A Lancaster being refuelled. There is a man driving a tractor and a trolley has oxygen bottles. Captioned 'Lancaster Wigsley 1943'.

Description - Five photographs in an album.
#1. Six airmen, Hawkes, Robert Wilfred is front left. It is captioned: ' THE CREW' -(SIGNED ON BACK)' and is a copy of item #39143 in the collection.
#2. A view of the pilot's station in a Lancaster.…

Top left - a large pile of destroyed German aircraft in a field in front of a destroyed hangar.
Top right - entranceway of a large columned building with 'RAF' inscribed above with pedestrian and cyclist in the foreground. Captioned 'Landestheatre…

Top - painting of a Lancaster being bombed up. Captioned 'Winter of 43 somewhere in England. by David Shepherd'.
Bottom - photograph - view from above of a Lancaster with Spitfire and Hurricane on either wing over sea. Captioned 'Memorial in Flight,…

A Halifax with several ground crew at work on and around it. Information supplied with the collection states 'CH10434 - Working on a Halifax 23 Jun 43'

Five ground crew warming themselves by a fire. Behind is a Halifax and further behind is a control caravan attached to a tractor. On the reverse is a typed note with an explanation. The image is intended for publication in newspapers. Second from…

A tractor towing two bomb trolleys with a Lancaster behind.
From information kindly provided by the donor. '115 Sqd Lanc Bombing up. Bomb trolleys & Lanc'.

Front quarter view of a Halifax parked on dispersal. Two airmen converse in the foreground and a tractor is parked on the right, There are step ladders under both port and starboard wings of the aircraft.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

Three photographs. #1 is 11 airmen and ground crew under the front of a Lancaster. #2 is a group of 12 trainees standing in the snow in front of a wooden hut. #3 is an Oxford being towed by a tractor. This photo is repeated on a separate sheet.

Maurice and eight crew members, including ground crew. They are sat on a tractor in front of a Lancaster. On the reverse '2 Groundcrew from L Harold, Johny, Joe, Robinson, Roy, Bill, Maurice.'

Two paintings of a Lancaster from an album. In the first, by David Shepherd, the Lancaster is being readied for an operation with bombs being loaded and a fuelling truck waiting. In the second three Lancasters are taxying for take off.

A large group of airmen mostly wearing battledress with side or peaked caps, some with brevet standing by or on a tractor with the port wing of a Halifax behind. On the reverse 'Air and ground crew of S-Sugar, "C" Flight No 78 Squadron'. Two versions…

A airman driving a tractor pulls a line of bomb trolleys each carrying two general purpose bombs past a revetment.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

On the right a nose of a Halifax. To the left bottom, two bomb trolleys, the first with small bomb containers and the second with general purpose bomb, all surrounded by eight ground personnel. Tractor behind trolleys and a lorry and two other…

Photo 1 is Ray and colleague, annotated 'Flying Control Types'.
Photo 2 is three ground crew on a tractor, annotated 'Ground Crew Gatwick'.
Photo 3 is two airmen annotated 'Paddy & Geordie'.
Photo 4 is Ray topless at an outside table, annotated…

Early in his air force career, Aubrey, on left, pose with three other airmen and a tractor. On reverse photographers name, 'Turner's, Newcastle-upon-Tyne'.

Part 1. "By the Seat of his Pants". Covers from Alan Gamble's years as a schoolboy in Worthing in the late 1930's, up to joining the RAF in 1943, where he trained as a wireless operator in Blackpool. He joined 620 Squadron, which was equipped mainly…

Nine ground crew and six aircrew under the nose of Lancaster 'N'. The ground crew are working on bombs on bomb trolleys. The aircrew are dressed in flying kit. On the reverse stamped 'Daily Sketch Copyright', 'Graphic Photo Union' and handwritten…

A Halifax and a tractor. In the foreground is a bomb trolley.

Stan Shaw driving a tractor in front of a Wellington. In the background is a man on a bicycle On the reverse 'U.T. Tractor Driver!! Aden. Jan. 1947'.
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