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  • Tags: Goebbels, Joseph (1897-1945)

Introductory letter from Sir Arthur Harris for Hamish Mahaddie, in support of Mahaddie's post-war lecture tour of Australia and New Zealand. Harris greets Bomber Command veterans and describes the significance of their contribution to the war.…

A newspaper report about operations on Frankfurt.

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Despite earlier army reports being reliable, it is claimed that there is now German disinformation concerning the Russian campaign and the high number of casualties and prisoners.

After spotting a battle cruiser on 22nd July, an RAF…

300 more American warships are now protecting shipping routes following President Roosevelt’s order on 12 September. Numbers of vessels in American navy at the outbreak of war are listed and the number will steadily increase.

William Sebold, a…

Retrospective historical account of results of operation on Hamburg dated 3 August 1943, Gives size of operation, casualties and account four bomber command attacks, resulting fires, damage to port and city. Includes b/w photograph of destroyed…

Seven items from a scrapbook. Items 1 and 2 are newspaper cuttings about operations that Ernest was involved in. They are captioned 'Cuttings from daily papers of raids on which my crew were engaged'. Item 3 is a London Transport ticket, captioned…

Quotes from Eden, Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Goebbels and notice on treatment of German prisoners of war by German staff HQ.

How Germany reacts to air attacks. Official counter-measure. Article discusses effect of operation against Cologne. Section on anxious memories mentions that effect casualties on eastern front and air attacks revives first world war saying "Wir…

Notes written by Arthur Harris to Hamish Mahaddie about Bomber Command. Included is a signed photograph of Arthur T Harris.

Propaganda booklet with illustrated articles on the current war situation as seen from the Allies' perspective. Authors include Winston Churchill, Henry Wallace, the archbishop of Canterbury, Richard Hillary and John Steinbeck.

General Adolph Galland remembers his early life and subsequent career as a Luftwaffe pilot. Recounts various episodes: flying gliders as a young boy; changes in Luftwaffe fighting tactics during the Spanish civil war; the Luftwaffe refraining from…

The first part is targeted at the German population and argues, with illustrations, for passive and active resistance against the regime. It uses the image of Germany’s many broken bridges to argue that the only bridge open to the German people is…
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