Browse Items (99 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Germany--Peenemünde"

Part 1. "By the Seat of his Pants". Covers from Alan Gamble's years as a schoolboy in Worthing in the late 1930's, up to joining the RAF in 1943, where he trained as a wireless operator in Blackpool. He joined 620 Squadron, which was equipped mainly…

First - over 400 times they led the way. Article about RAF Pathfinders. Crest and details about 35 Squadron. Also mentions 7, 83 and 156 Squadrons as nucleus of force in August 1942. Mentions some of their attacks and numbers of decorations awarded.…

Annotated copy of The great raids - Peenemunde 17 August 1943 by Air Commodore J Searby.
Book includes:
Handwritten note on front 'In memory of Fred Dunn, killed Nov 22/23 1943'.
Telegram to Mr A C Dunn regretting to inform him that his son Sgt…

Richard Wensley’s Royal Air Force Flying Log Book as Flight Engineer from 27th June 1943 until 28th September 1946. Posted to 1657 Conversion Unit and then 214 Squadron for operations. In November 1943 posted back to 1657 Conversion Unit.…

Sir Archibald Sinclair congratulates bomber command on the outstanding success of their attack on Peenemunde.

A newspaper article discussing new precision bombing. It is annotated 'No 8 23/8/43'.

Article on attack on new and vital target - Germany's largest and most important research and development establishment - Peenemunde. Mosquitos attacked Berlin and Fighter Command intruders carried out attacks on airfields. Heaviest Bomber Command…

Account of operation on Peenemunde research and development establishment. Mentions diversion attacks and Mosquito operation against Berlin. Forty one bombers and one fighter missing. Was a precision attack. 1200 mile journey.

List 20 operations between 22 March 1943 and 17/18 August 1943 of Stanley Shaw's crew.

Newspaper account of parents' receipt of Hedley Madgett's Distinguished Flying Medal who was now presumed to have lost his life during low level attack on Peenemunde on 17/18 August 1943. Describes citation including attack on Oberhausen where…

Operational Record ledger created by Pat Falkinder (nee Day). Running log book which includes briefing, targeting, crews and methods of prosecution for various bombing operations. It includes a photographs of Pat Day in uniform and several aircrew.

Victoires de la RAF en 1943
Air Marshal Sir Richard Peck describes large composition and successes of RAF during 1943 whilst underlining the threat still posed by Germany.

Les machines
Maintains Anglo-American aircraft production is four times…

"Nazi backroom boys killed, Pennemunde raid wiped out air experts HQ". Account of Peenmeunde operation and background to research carried out there. Surrounded by other articles and further articles on the reverse.
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