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  • Tags: RAF Madley

Two letters to Malcolm Staves from his grandparents. Domestic news and wishes him a good christmas.


Malcolm Staves' life in the RAF, starts with his school reports through his enlistment in 1942. He trained at Bridgnorth then was assigned to 207 Squadron at Spilsby. His colleagues included George Cearns who joined 166 Squadron and Hank Williams who…

John Watkins was working in retail in Rotherham and in 1939 he joined 218 Squadron ATC. He joined the RAF in February 1942 at RAF Cardington, and did his initial training at Blackpool. In December 1942 he did his wireless training at RAF Yatesbury.…

Stanley Norton comments on Geoffrey Norton's training, he describes his last leave and going to the cinema with Dorothy, to the theatre with Eve, to a dance with Dorothy, lots of domestic activity and news.

A detailed account of Reg Payne's service in the RAF. He starts with a list of 18 RAF bases where he served in his 5 years of service. He was 16 when war was declared but volunteered for the RAF at 17. After tests he was selected for training as a…

Document contains order of service for funeral and memoir of service in the RAF. Includes training as wireless operator/air gunner, troop ship to Cairo and continued training in Egypt. Posted for operation on Boston aircraft with 114 Squadron in…

Copy of a day by day diary kept by Malcolm Staves from 26th April 1943 to 6th January 1945. Covers training, lectures, gardening and cleaning tasks. Also covers his social life and home leave.

Harry Grant grew up in Kent but when his sister was widowed after her husband died at Dunkirk he went to Nottingham to be company for her in her grief. While there he took a job in the Post Office. When he was of age he volunteered for the RAF and…

Peter Parker grew up in Gainsborough. He had hoped to be a pilot but was unsuccessful, however as he had taught himself Morse code in his shed at home he trained as a wireless operator and became an instructor. He was posted to RAF Yatesbury and…

Robert Woodhouse was living in Pembroke Dock when the bombing of the town began, and after losing their home due to the bombing, the family relocated to Cardiff. In Cardiff, Robert joined the Air Training Corps, to follow in the footsteps of his…

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book one, for A D Hope, wireless operator, covering the period from 15 December 1942 to 28 April 1949. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, instructor duties and post war flying…

Wireless operators flying log book for F W Elliott, covering the period from 1 October 1943 to 13 July 1947. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying duties with Radio Warfare Establishment. He was stationed at RAF Madley,…

Navigator’s, air gunner’s and air bomber’s flying log book for W C Jones, wireless operator, covering the period from 13 December 1943 to 23 May 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Madley, RAF…

81 cadets, officers and NCOs arranged in six rows. The caption identifies each airman.

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