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  • Tags: promotion

Congratulations on permanent commission. Essential medical and acceptance by 23rd Feb from Bryant


Basil Ambrose was born in Reading. He left school at fourteen and became an apprentice turner. He joined the Royal Air Force in May 1942 and trained as a turner before transferring to aircrew as a flight engineer. He trained at RAF St Athan, and…

William Holmes remembers his time as a pilot in the RAF. Gives a vivid and graphic account of the dramatic crash-landing which left him badly injured and brought him to join the Guinea Pig Club. Remembers various episodes of his operational life:…

Henry Townsley was born near Workington and left school at fourteen years of age and started work as an apprentice vehicle fitter. After a spell as a junior engineer in the Merchant Navy he volunteered, in April 1940, for the RAF, rather than the…

Colin Deverell was born in Croydon. Upon leaving school, he worked for Oliver Typewriter Company, where he gained engineering skills to become an amateur rigger for Imperial Airways, before finding employment with Rollaston Aircraft Services in 1939.…

A telegram advising Bertie of his commission as pilot officer.

Dave announces that he has passed the final exam and is preparing for the graduation party. He believes leave will soon be granted and hopes to see Betty soon.

Congratulations on promotion to flight lieutenant.

Ted joined the air force in January 1938 as an apprentice at RAF Halton. This was accelerated because of the war, and he was posted to RAF Boscombe Down.
Although he wanted to be a pilot, Ted’s skills were needed as a flight engineer. He was…

Informs him that his son who has been missing since night 15/16 March 1944 had been appointed to a commission in the RAF in the rank of pilot officer.

Describes wartime service from 1939 to 1945. Joined as Halton apprentice in September 1939. Posted as fitter engine to RAF Wittering working on Wellington Hampden and Manchester aircraft. Followed by tour at RAF Upper Heyford working on Wellington…

Richard Murray Allen was born in Queensland, Australia. He joined the Air Training Corps and later volunteered for the Royal Australian Air Force on his eighteenth birthday. He trained as a wireless operator in Australia, before being posted to…

Letter concerns information for temporary officers being selected for permanent commissions. Information on individual requests for commission cannot be given until the composition of the post war air force has been determined. A number of really…

List crews and aircraft for operations on night 24/25 July 1945. Includes duty personnel. On the reverse part of a medical form, not filled in and scribbled over in blue.

Contains lists of promotions, movements and movement corrections for airmen on 44 Squadron.

Lists 44 Squadron officer personnel for leave, appointments and promotions, change of address of next of kin

List movement in and movements out as well as discharges of airmen of 44 Squadron. Includes aircrew reported missing.

Lists airmen under headings promotions, results of courses, [movements?]
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