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  • Tags: RAF Farnborough

Clifford Watson remembers his training as a pilot in Salisbury, Zimbabwe, but being scrubbed at the flying test. Tells of when he flew a Ju-88 at RAE Farnborough. Talks about the different wages in various trades. Tells of an emergency landing at RAF…

Cyril Henry Bridges was born in Ramsgate and served as a flight engineer in the RAF. He tells of his father, a deep-sea fisherman, who fought in the First World War and later helped evacuate troops from Dunkirk. Remembers his early life, taking on…

Making arrangements for a Cheshire to visit Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) Farnborough. Goes on to discuss aircraft navigation instrument problems with which RAE may help. Concludes with discussion of photographs and thanks for recent visit to…

From Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough provides information from experts at Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough concerning trimming Mosquito VI to avoid sideslip. After technical explanation goes on to discuss fitting new artificial…

Letter to Royal Aircraft Establishment thanking them for looking after them on their visit, which will be of great help in future plans.

To Royal Aircraft Establishment stating that present scale of operation precludes visits for some time. Is returning memorandum that was lent.

From Royal Aircraft Establishment. Thanks him for enlargement of Limoges. Also thanks him for information about side-slip and add some experiences.. Mentions horizon and that they have received two Mustangs for marking. Would like to call at…

To 54 Base Coningsby. Writes that he is enclosing results of Farnborough 'George' (automatic pilot) team to 617 Squadron. Has produced phenomenal improvement in all aircraft,

Pilot's flying log book for Denis Clyde-Smith covering the period from 10 May 1937 to 31 May 1942. Detailing his flying training, Operations and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Sywell, RAF Sealand, RAF Henlow, RAF Calshot, RAF Watchet, RAF…

Flying log book for navigator’s, air bomber’s, air gunner, flight engineers for H K M Algar, Navigator, covering the period from 6 April 1954 to 12 June 1959. Detailing his flying duties with 36 Squadron, bombing trials unit, royal aircraft…

Navigators, air bombers, air gunners, flight engineers log book 3 for F S W Jolliffe, navigator, covering the period from 7 October 1952 to 30 November 1956. Detailing his flying training and flying duties with experimental flying department, central…

Pilot's flying log book for Robert 'Bob' Victor Keeling covering the period 15 June 1939 to 30 June 1943. Details his training and operational duties. Bob flew 27 night operations, 15 as second pilot to Pilot Officer Deacon, Sergeant Prior and…

Pilot's flying log book for Robert 'Bob' Keeling covering the period 1 July 1943 to 23 October 1945 when he was a test pilot with the Royal Aircraft Establishment. In addition it covers the period 14 January 1946 to 26 November 1949 when Bob was a…

A book of notes kept by John during his training. It covers morse code, RAF administration (a brief history) , Organisation of RAF, Aircraft Recognition, Navigation and Mathematics.

A document written by Jim Allen's navigator. He describes his early training and difficulties when navigating in the UK, Jim Allen's skills, his own behaviour on the aircraft, flying under a bomber shortly before the target, his relief at surviving…

Edward Cayhill was the eldest of eight children and with his father’s encouragement was hoping to go to university. His father died in 1938 which meant that the university dream was cancelled and Edward went to work as a Civil Servant in the…

From officer at Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough. Apologises for late arrival of an unspecified object enclosed. Goes on to describing difficulties in obtaining various types of car. Continues with discussion of performance of 'George'.

From officer at Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough. Thanks respondent for memorandum and goes on to discuss that operational efficiency of Bomber Command could be greatly enhanced by maintenance in good order of automatic pilot.
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