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  • Tags: York

Gerald Abrahams was 16 when war was declared. He volunteered for the RAF the day after the Armstrong Vickers factory where he worked was targeted by the Luftwaffe who bombed the local school resulting in the deaths of many children. He trained as a…

John Shipman was born in Stathern, Leicester and, as a teenager, would cycle to Melton Mowbray to attend ATC meetings. He joined the RAF and started training as a flight mechanic. He joined a troop ship to start his posting, the journey taking six…

John Dean’s childhood memory of watching a Spitfire and a German aircraft having a dogfight in the sky above him spurred him to want to become a Spitfire pilot. He didn’t achieve his aim of becoming a Spitfire pilot and instead became a…

Doug joined the Royal Air Force and trained in the UK as a navigator observer, initially flying on Bothas and then Blenheims. His navigation training took place in Jurby on the Isle of Man. An Operational Training Unit at RAF Kinloss on Whitleys…

John Ottewell was a member of the Air Defence Cadet Corps and volunteered for the RAF when he was 18. While undertaking initial training he was present when a Fw 190 attacked the town of Babbacombe. He took part in the clean-up at the church where 24…

Eric was born in 1924 in West Derby, Liverpool and volunteered for the Royal Air Force at the age of 17 and a half, finally being called up in January 1942, when he became a navigator/bomb aimer on Lancasters. After completing his training in Canada,…

Having worked in her father’s garage, Audrey was called up, aged 17½, and joined the Royal Air Force. After RAF Padgate, she did some square-bashing at Gloucester before going to RAF Halton. She was taught to change plugs, replace faulty studs and…

Neil Ramsey flew operations as a pilot with 75 and 105 Squadron Pathfinders. Neil flew twin engine aircraft, including the Wellington and, later, the Mosquito. Neil talks about New Zealander Jimmy Ward, who was awarded a Victoria Cross. Neil Ramsey…

Ernest Hector Angelo Pedrazzini was the son of an Italian father and an English mother. After the war he changed his name to Tillbrook. Ernie’s father escaped from a prison camp during the First World War and found his way to Russia and…

Vivian joined the Royal Air Force in July 1938 as a flight mechanic and served for seven and a half years. After square drills at RAF Uxbridge and a course at RAF Manston, he did a basic engineering course at RAF Henlow. After six months at RAF St…

Warrant Officer Les Arrowsmith’s flying log book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners and flight engineers, from 28 January 1946 to 18 July 1950. Mainly records his training and various postings in the Far East as navigator within Transport…

Geoffrey Spencer grew up in Birmingham and worked with his father in tool making, carrying out fire watching as a youngster. He joined the Air Force in August 1943, aged 18. After training, he served as a flight mechanic and fitter with 49 Squadron…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for Eric Horace Woods, navigator, covering the period from 28 November 1939 to 10 July 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, instructor duties, operations with transport command and…

Front view of an Avro York with starboard undercarriage collapsed in the snow. On the reverse 'Me in flat cap extreme right of photo Ottawa 1946 MW102 Prime Minister's a/c Passenger: J Strachey Minister of Food'.

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Close up of the collapsed starboard undercarriage of an Avro York, in the snow. On the reverse 'Ottawa 1946'.


Avro York on display facing left, parked on hard-standing with spectators walking past. In the foreground a military man with side cap and khaki uniform. In the background other display aircraft.


B-29 on the right (Betty Marion), light paint scheme Lancaster in the centre and Avro York on the left all lined up on airfield hard-standing with many spectators walking in front.

Top- newspaper cutting and photograph. Shows two Royal Air Force officers and two United States army air force officers in line under a sign that says 'Welcome R.A.F.' Captioned 'Greetings. Group Captain R.C.M. Collard. officer in charge of RAF tour,…

Left top - photograph of B-29, Lancaster and Avro York lined up parked on airfield. Spectators are walking in front.
Middle left - air-to-air view showing formation of Lancasters over open countryside.
Third row left - photograph of group of men…

Pilots flying log book for G H Paine, covering the period from 4 January 1945 to 25 July 1949. Detailing his flying training, post war squadron duties with 511 squadron and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Anstey, RAF Guinea Fowl, RAF…

A five page document recording Geoff's time in the R.A.F. from August 1943 until August 1949, in addition to his flying career as a pilot he undertook many other tasks as the aircrew training machine wound down.

A history of the Avro Repair Organisation at Bracebridge Heath. Aircraft with Category B damage were disassembled and taken to Bracebridge for repair. Contractor’s Working Parties repaired Category A damaged aircraft on their station using spares…

A history of the Avro repair organisation at RAF Langar and a record of the aircraft that passed through it between 1942 and 1968.
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