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  • Tags: bomb aimer

Account of operation to mine Brest harbour entrance, William Holmes was pilot and captain of aircraft. Used acoustic mines, describes briefing by naval officer, trip out, being engaged by heavy anti aircraft fire and finally dropping mines after…

Seven aircrew standing and kneeling in two rows in front of a Lancaster. All are wearing battledress. Captioned 'Back row L to R, John Kirk navigator, Colin Branch engineer, Jimmy Chancellor pilot, Front row L to R, Jack Wilkinson mid upper gunner,…

Writes of his last operation in a Halifax when his aircraft was shot down and exploded killing all the other members of the crew. Describes journey to camp and being in Frankfurt while it is under bombing attack. Continues with description of life as…

Three-quarter-length portrait of seven RAF aircrew in uniform with with aircrew brevet. Each individual identified “JR ‘Buck’ Bennett, mid upper gunner-NSW, WA ‘Bill’ Stanley, Wireless operator-Victoria, HR ‘Shorty’ Connochie, rear…

Ron Mayhill was born in Auckland, New Zealand. He joined the Air Training Corp in 1941, automatically entered the Royal New Zealand Air Force in 1942, trained as a bomb aimer in Canada, and travelled on the Queen Mary to the UK in 1943. While flying…

Seven aircrew wearing Mae Wests standing arm in arm in front of a Halifax. Annotated at bottom 'MU, WOp, Nav, Pilot, Eng, BA, RG'. Submitted with caption; '…my Father-in-law. Ronald Davis of Chichester. He was flight engineer on Halifax mk3 78…

Six aircrew, three sitting and three standing wearing tunic with brevet. Five are sergeants and one a flight sergeant.
Back - Ron Britt (Mid Upper Gunner, RAF), Jack Widdowson (Wireless Operator, RAF) and Arthur Bergman (Bomb Aimer, RAAF)
Front -…

Five aircrew wearing battledress and side caps in front of a corrugated iron hut. three have visible brevet (one pilot and two half brevet). Captioned 'Max Barry's Wellington Crew, 1,2,3,4,5, Church Broughton 27 OTU, November 1943, 1 Max Barry, air…

Recollection of Eric Horsham from his early years in Plumstead, training at Lords, Torquay, St Athans, Marston Moor then 102 Squadron at Pocklngton. On one operation they were badly damaged but made a successful forced landing at Woodbridge, assisted…

Seven airmen in front of their Halifax. On a second image the same image is annotated -
'Mid-Upper Gunner Jim Finney Hull
Flight Engineer Eric Horsham Wolwich SE London
Navigator Owen Shirley Carshalton Surrey
Pilot F/Lt Edgar Francis Seke St…

Photograph of car parked in a street, Keith Thompson and civilian standing by car, captioned 'May '44-1936 Ford 10-My first car'.
Second and third pictures, same car, somewhat battered, parked on road, houses in distance, captioned 'Topcliffe,…

Five Group Newsletter, number 22, May 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about armament, war savings, flying control, engineering, flight engineers, gardening, prisoner of war fund, air bombing, navigation,…

Two photographs, the first is of two airmen, one squatting and one standing behind. It is captioned 'Ted & Tom Bomb aimer & w/op 21 OTU'.
The second is a larger version of the same image and on the reverse is
'F/Sgt Tom Carter W/Op
F/Sgt Ted…

An article about a navigator and a bomb aimer who destroyed their maps on two occasions. They were charged with Lack of Moral Fibre.
A second article titled 'Norton Camp, Sheffield' is about a punishment camp where the writer was sent after cycling…

Article by Carl Olssen from 'Illustrated' magazine 19 February 1944. Comments on the operations to Berlin, on the poor living conditions on all the newly built airfields, outlines the preparations for an operation throughout the station. Numerous…

One colour photograph of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight's Lancaster when painted as 101 Squadron aircraft SR - D, captioned ' No 101 (ABC) Squadron, Ludford Magna, Nov. '43 - June '44.'
Small b/w copy of 101 Squadron badge.
Lancaster on…

Seven aircrew standing with the pilot at the left all wearing side caps with the second man from the left wearing his centrally, The aircrew next to the pilot are wearing whistles, the man on the end is holding a book.
On the reverse 'BILL RYAN'S…

Five Group Newsletter, number 20, March 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about processes of navigation, signals/radar, photography, gardening, Gee, flying control, H2S, decorations, tactics, flight engineers, war…

Printed programme for Graduation Ceremony for air navigators and air bombers at no 1 Air Observers School.

Five Group Newsletter, number 19, February 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about tactics, navigation, air bombing, gardening, sports, training, flying control, H2S, Gee, photography, honours and awards, signals…

Seven airmen, including Akin Shenbanjo, are standing under the front of their Halifax. They are wearing parachute harnesses and Mae Wests.
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