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A note welcoming Edgar Meredith to the Caterpillar Club. There is also a photograph of a group of trainee airmen arranged in eight rows.

A certificate of membership awarded to Ron after his escape by parachute.

News sheet with details of the Southampton reunion in 1987, Recco Report -stories about ex-POWs, Obituaries, members reports, KLB Club for prisoners from Buchenwald and a flight in a Blenheim.

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the recovery of a crashed Blenheim in Holland, Roy Winton's fourth visit to Barth in 2000, the proposed erection of a memorial to RAF POWs, the Fallingbostel memorial project,…

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the POW memorial, Recco report -stories of ex-POWs, the Larry Slattery memorial fund, the Second World War experience centre, an article by Vitel Formanek about his visit to the UK, …

News-Sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the memorial to the POWs at RAF Hendon, Recco Report of ex-POWs and their activities, Obituaries for Maurice Butt and others, Book reviews, A time for Reconciliation, the Great Escape 60th…

News-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the large Canadian reunion of 1985 at Calgary, the Annual Dinner at Lords, Recco report of ex-POW activities, requests for help, Alan Bryett's lectures, the Association's AGM and annual…

Interview in three parts.

Part 1.
Doug Marsh was the son of a Royal Navy officer and moved around quite a bit as a child between Kent and Lincolnshire. When his father retired from the Navy his parents bought a fish and chip shop in Grimsby but…

Rutherford, Les.jpg
During this interview Les describes his experience as a despatch rider in France in 1940 before escaping from Dunkirk and returning to the United Kingdom, eventually joining the Royal Air Force. He also describes his training in South Africa and his…

Reg Payne was born in Kettering, he left school at fourteen and worked for the British Legion. He volunteered for the RAF when he was seventeen and a half and trained as a wireless operator and air gunner. He describes his training learning Morse…

Charles Clarke volunteered for the Royal Air Force when he was seventeen years old and flew operations as a bomb aimer with 619 Squadron from RAF Woodhall Spa. His aircraft was shot down on his 18th operation and he became a prisoner of war. He was…

Fred Hooker was a mid-upper gunner on 102 Squadron at RAF Pocklington, where he flew three operations before being shot down. Born in Hartley Wintney in 1924, Fred’s first experience of the RAF was visiting RAF Odiham as a member of the Air…

Reports arrival of mail and says he had written to Air Ministry asking them to open an account in her name and mentions other financial matters. Catches up with news of friends and acquaintances. Mentions going to church and asks her not to send him…

Thanks him for letter and the gift of a parcel of food. He states that contents were distributed to those still with them that were working at the time that the particular parachute that saved his life was manufactured. Says his address was given to…


The letter expresses thanks for Sandy's report of how he was recognised as being British because he was smoking Woodbine cigarettes.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

The letter explains that he has talked to the only survivor of the crashed aircraft. He describes the events when the aircraft was shot down.

William Cross Memoir of a supply drop to Polish fighters. They lost an engine and struggled to maintain height. The pilot had bailed out leaving the rest of the crew to fly the aircraft. They landed successfully in Russian territory and met up with…
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