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  • Tags: RAF Mepal

Hand written note, 3 Group R.A.F. Waterbeach Base - (5 miles Cambridge). Satellites = Mepal - Nr Ely, Witchford - Nr Ely.

A number of individuals eating at trestle tables, sitting on folding chairs in Nissan type building, stove in foreground. Notes refer to photograph, Richard Dimbleby photographs, subject leaning back at L.H. table.
Second is a photograph of a group…

These recollections and reflections were written by Patricia Hook, Ken's wife, who was a WAAF in the operations room at RAF Mepal. They are all very similar, concentrating primarily on the Stirling crash in December 1943, where Ken was the only…

Note is to their son Iain suggesting that he might like to keep the recollections and reflections that she has produced.


Two photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph taken over Frankfurt. All the detail is obscured by light and anti-aircraft fire. It is annotated '110 Mep 4/5.10.43//NT 8" 16000 --> 045° . 21.37 ½. Frankfurt. W. 10x30: 8…

Flying log book for J Dent, flight engineer, covering the period from 25 August 1944 to 8 May 1947. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war duties with 44 Squadron, air ministry film unit and 148 Squadron. He was stationed at RAF…

Letter of sympathy to Mr J R Wadeson informing him that his son had not returned from his fourth operation while attacking a target in Germany.

Flying log book for aircrew other than pilot for R C Weeden, navigator, covering the period from 27 May 1943 to 31 January 1948. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying with 35 squadron. He was stationed at RCAF Malton,…

Full length image of an airman wearing parachute harness, battledress and side cap carrying a cloth bag with one foot on the steps to rear fuselage door of a Lancaster. Submitted with caption 'Reg Weeden entering Bomber - RAF Mepal 1944' On the…

An airman wearing parachute harness and flying helmet sitting at navigator station inside a bomber. Submitted with caption 'Reg Weeden at Navigator Stn. Lancaster - RAF Mepal 1944'.

Nine airmen wearing battledress with half brevet and side or peaked caps sitting and standing in two rows in front of a Nissen hut. Submitted with caption 'Navigators Mepal 1944 or 45 (RC Weeden front centre)'.

Describes location, construction and layout. Opened in September 1943 with 207 Squadron Lancaster and later 44 Squadron. Last operation was in April 1945 to Berchtesgaden. Covers post-war squadron moves, locations and disbandment, including arrival…

Target photograph taken on an operation to Duisberg. Left hand side is obscured by smoke or cloud and several bomb explosions can be seen. The Rhine river runs across the image, just below half height and there is built up area towards top of…

Target photograph of an operation to Neuss. Only a large area of glare, roughly in the middle, is visible. It is annotated '5B' and captioned:
'1787 MEP 23/24.9.44//NT 8" 19,000 ← 055 º 2127
NEUSS. H1. 11 x 1000. 4 x 500. 31 SECS. F/S…

Harold Jack Lazenby's autobiography.

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Two photographs from an album.
#1 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing at Villers Bocage.
#2 is temporary graves of Bob Cooke and Crew at Tilly-sur-Seulles, Normandy.

A target photograph of Oberhausen. Cloud or smoke obscures the ground. There are some small smoke trails at centre left.
It is annotated "5B" and captioned: "2445. MEP. 4.12.44 //8 19,600. 109º 1412 OBERHAUSEN,YI 1 HC4000IN. 6ANM 50DT. 6GP500DT.…

Target photograph of Siegen. Cloud or smoke obscures all ground detail. It is annotated "3B" and captioned: "2547 MEP. 16.12.44//7" 17,500. 027º 1500 SIGEN [sic]. F 1HC4000IN. 5MC1000DT. 4ANM64DT. C34 SECS. F/S O'MALLEY. J.75
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