Browse Items (40 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "France--Lille"

A diary kept by LC Pipkin and subtitled Bomber Command, London. It records his time after baling out of aircraft after a fighter attack. He managed to evade capture and reached Spain.

Map showing south east England northern France, Belgium and Netherlands. Pencilled route from Lincoln area to just north of Lille. Annotated top left 'Op No. 20, 20/7/44, Coutrai (Kurtrijk Belgium)'. On the reverse 'Op. No. 20 (20/7/44), Courtrai)'.

An abstract of a flight log to Stuttgart. It contains details of each leg including an attack by night fighters.

Jack Whalley’s Royal Air Force Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 9th July 1941 until 10th October 1952. Initial training at No. 9 Air Observers School as an air observer, navigator, air gunner and bomb aimer. Further training as…

P M Edge’s Flying Log Book as a bomb aimer from 20th March 1943 until 28th September 1944. Initial bombing and gunnery training at 41 Air School in South Africa, before posting back to the UK in September 1943. Further training at 10 Advanced…
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