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  • Tags: RAF Mildenhall

The story of a Lancaster, NG358, LS-H. There are details of 12 operations during 1944/5. Dennis details the operations and his crew.

Six items, Edward's very brief description of the operation, his navigation plot, the expected H2S return over the target. Two press clipping, captioned 'The result of Bomber Commands 12,000 lb bomb attacks on one of the Enemy's V.2 rocket sites'.…

Five items, Edward's description of the operation to bomb Panzer concentrations in woods, requested by Field Marshall Montgomery. As the operation was in daylight Edward was able to describe the scene not too long after D Day. There is also Edwards…

Five items, Edward's brief description of the operation their bomb aimer was sick so took replacement, quiet trip. Edward's navigation plot, and an indication of the H2S plot when over the target. There are two press clippings, the first has a…

Five items, Edward's brief description of the operation, his navigation plot, the expected H2S return over the target, two press cuttings, one with the caption'Paris/Vaires marshalling yard devastation' showing the Vaires rail yard after the attacks,…

Two part interview with Bob Panton.

Part 1. Bob Panton was a child during the war. One day as his father was coming towards their house Bob saw three Dornier 17 come into view. Then out of the sun came six Spitfires and a battle started in front…

The first captioned 'Bill Prune, R.I.P'. with a picture of a Bulldog announced the death in a road accident of a squadron mascot.
Second shows two Lancasters taxying with the caption 'Five ton Lorries', stating that Lancasters are carrying nearly 5…

The first letter refers to the return of Roy's bicycle.
The second letter refers to a parcel of clothing belonging to Doreen's husband.

Six items, Edward's description of the operation to the railway centre, commenting on the thunderstorms encountered, his navigation plot, the expected H2S plot of the target with their track marked, a press cutting captioned 'Wrecked locomotives at…

T P Payne’s pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 9 November 1942 to 19 April 1953. Detailing his flying training as a pilot. He was stationed at RAF Brough (4 EFTS), RCAF Neepawa (35 EFTS), RCAF Swift Current (39 SFTS), RAF Perth (11…

An article about a navigator and a bomb aimer who destroyed their maps on two occasions. They were charged with Lack of Moral Fibre.
A second article titled 'Norton Camp, Sheffield' is about a punishment camp where the writer was sent after cycling…

A portrait of the pilot and co-pilot in the cockpit of their 149 Squadron Wellington bomber, at RAF Mildenhall in 1941. On the left is Acting Flight Lieutenant David William Donaldson. On the right, at the controls, is Pilot Officer Geoffrey O'Neill…

Memoir including photographs of the crew and aircraft. Thomas Jones was a flight engineer on Stirling and Lancaster and completed 64 operations on two tours. Describes early life, joining the RAF, selection and training., crewing up and first posting…

A resume of 'Jack' Whymark's family and service career. Includes extracts from Jack’s diaries, details from his logbook and histories of the crew and passengers of Lancaster PA278.

A press clipping of "Take Off" a painting by Dame Laura Knight R.A. Edward notes that the painting was executed at RAF Mildenhall.

Five items, Edward's account of the operation which was eventful for the crew, They were attacked over the target by an Me 109, the aircraft was badly damaged but bombed and returned to base, none of the crew were injured. They had to blow the…

A very brief description of the operation, his navigation plot and a map showing the target. There are also some newspaper clippings, one showing the damage to Stuttgart and others giving comments from bomber crew members when taking part in a raid…

Two photographs of six airmen sitting on the port inner engine of their Lancaster.
On the reverse -
'(Mildenhall) ME844
Taken @ 15 Squadron shortly after moving from 218 Squadron (Methwold)
Left to Right
Jimmy Bourke - mid upper
Self (Dennis…

Sergeant Bronisław Soltysiak’s RAF Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 4 September 1940 to 13 August 1942, detailing his training and operations as a pilot. He was stationed at RAF Carlisle (No. 15 Elementary Flying Training School), RAF Stormy Down…
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