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  • Tags: military service conditions

Mention action on getting caught in searchlights, effects of altitude on aircrew, avoiding bombs from above, encounters with B-17 while on operations and getting a bottle of Bourbon from the American crew later. Mentions encounter with probable…

Writes of being given their own aircraft with nude lady nose art which survived the war. Mentions icing problem on operation to Saarbrücken. Describes operation to Frankfurt where engaged by Ju-88 where he injured his jaw. Writes that they learn as…

Covers some aspect of aircrew training including decompression chamber and parachute training.

Account of Peter Potter's experiences following signing up to join the RAF.

Starts with a poem and then a series of stories which together form the memoirs of Harold Yeoman, an officer who served in Bomber Command during the war, initially as a pilot on Wellingtons and then as an Intelligence Officer. He relates his…

Diary kept by Keith Campbell 24 July 1944 to February 1945 describing being shot down, evading and capture and life as a prisoner of war. Some entries talk about operations. Ends with the forced march away from the Russians. Note on front - 'original…

Sergeant George Mackie (pilot) in the foreground, when instructing with 1651 Conversion Unit at RAF Waterbeach in 1942. He has his foot on the step leading into the flight engineer’s compartment from the cockpit inside a Short Stirling. Behind him…

Head and shoulders image of an airman wearing shirt and flying helmet asleep inside an aircraft. Submitted with caption 'Napping in York, Transport Command'.

Upper page - top left - half length image of a man wearing parachute harness and flying helmet in the cockpit of an aircraft.
Top right - three quarter length image of a man wearing parachute harness looking back from the cockpit of an aircraft.…

A log book used as a scrap book. The photographs and documents cover his aircrew training from November 1943. It has sergeant's mess subscription cards, photographs, correspondence and cuttings.
Many of the entries are post war and a number refer…

An airman sitting at the pilot's seat. On the reverse 'Commanding Officer of RAF Stn Iraq 1945'.

Writes that he has settled down at new station and that they are now with an Australian squadron who are more easy going that the English. Comments on good conditions on new station. Mentions stating his accountancy course and that they are deep in…

Thanks him for airgram and apologises for not replying sooner. Says that he had been mucked about after doing a lot of flying and then being posted to an Australian squadron. Catches up with news and gossip asking how he was getting on. Continues by…

Dates in 1945 and 1946. Includes date of embarkation from overseas and disembarkation leave.

Page captioned 'No 31 B&GS R.A.F.Picton, on the 200 yard range'. Four photographs, first is of a R.A.F. S.N.C.O. captioned 'Chiefie'.
Second is of four individuals with lengths of wood on their shoulders, captioned 'Ginger Bowden, Jock Wood, Myself…

Writes that he had received Norman's airgram with his new address. Catches up with Norman's activities as far as he knew including some flying. However he was not clear what Norman was doing. Writes that he was now in second week of course and had a…

Writes that he had lost track of Norman's location as he seemed to have moved every time they were in contact. Catches up with mail sent and received. He compared Norman's flying hours to his own which were less but he would have had more except for…

Apologises for not writing but says he has to spend a lot time studying and had little to spare for letters. Commiserates over Norman being pushed around the country but needed to says that he would find there would be a lot of hanging around. Asked…

Notes it is quite a while since he received an airgram form him and wondered if he had started his courses or was still waiting which unfortunately was common at that time. However he said that Norman had done the right thing re-mustering as…

Document containing five photographs:
1 - Six aircrew wearing battledress with brevet and peaked or side caps standing and squatting in two rows in front of a Lancaster bomber. Captioned 'Lancaster at Skellingthorpe July 1945. Back row (L-R) Bruce…
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