Letter from Pat Hogan to his father



Letter from Pat Hogan to his father


Writes that he has settled down at new station and that they are now with an Australian squadron who are more easy going that the English. Comments on good conditions on new station. Mentions stating his accountancy course and that they are deep in snow. Writes about receiving cake and catches up on family news.




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Four sided handwritten airmail letter


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A436464 Fl Sqn HOGAN P.
[deleted] 466 Sqdn [/deleted] RAAF


Dear Dad,

I’ve just about settled down once more on just another new station. We are now with an Australian Squadron & it is rather the goods. They seem to get along in a much more easy going manner that[sic] the Pommies & dispense with a lot of the usual flannel. We are on an excellent station & our billets are just the shot. It was a [indecipherable word] & we live in large brick blocks which are centrally heated. We have all mod cons. Just outside our dormitory – even down[?] to hot baths.

Besides it is a great help to have a locker for your clothes etc instead of living out of the old kit bag as previously. As we may have a little time on our hands here

[page break]

I think I may start up an accountancy course to keep me out of mischief. Naturally we are still feet[?] deep in snow but all paths & roads are paved so there is no mud which is also rather a change. We’ve been outside for about an hour having snow fights – [indecipherable word] silly I know but it keeps one warm. Plenty of sliding on one’s overcoat & all that sort of thing.

By the way, I don’t think I even acknowledged [deleted one word] the fact that [indecipherable word] “Clueless Crew” [indecipherable word] ticker arrived several weeks ago. Having heard nothing further I guess we’ve had it. There was a cake at my last station – I told them to readress[sic] it & send it on here – rather than carry it. I noticed on the outside it was from M. HOGAN & M. KNIGHT, so thanks to them both although I haven’t got it yet.

Apart from one other crew who preceeded [sic] us here by a few days

[page break]

I’ve not struck[?] a soul[?] I know.

Still waiting to hear how Kev got on with his exams. It[?] is a while now since I’ve heard from you but I guess it will be a week or so again before our mail comes through again.

I’m darned[?] if I can dig up anything to write about at the moment. Hope you all had an enjoyable leave.

How are the nags treating you these days? Well, Dad, maybe I can fill one of these next time. Hoping you are all well. Love to you all



P J Hogan, “Letter from Pat Hogan to his father,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/31870.

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