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  • Tags: anti-aircraft fire

Map showing north Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, part of Belgium and France. Goes east to include Poland and parts of Lithuania. Symbols on map with legend on reverse. Symbols are of German air force aviation objects and defensive systems.

Vertical aerial photograph of Bologna. Field patterns are visible but the centre and lower portions of the image are obscured by bright lights, flares or anti-aircraft fire. Captioned 'A4 1943. FOG.12/13 Sept 44//NT F8 10300' [arrow] 265° 21.23…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during bombing of Bologna. There are several small bomb explosions and anti-aircraft fire. The photograph is captioned '2044 TOR 1/2 Sep 44//NT F8" 10,000' -->240° 2143 BOLOGNA. M/Y R 8x500lbs 7x250lbs Mark III. 19…

Mentions day operations by two Mosquitos on 15 February. Gives description of night operation to Berlin with total of 891 aircraft dispatched. Lists types and numbers. Gives outline of weather and account of operation, results of bombing, amount of…

A brief description of bombing activity during the war. Starting with the ineffectual early operations to 1000+ bomber operations. He lists some of the operations then details some of the hazards for returning aircraft. After the war Stan took a new…

Target Mailly-le-Camp attacked by Lancasters. Covers weather forecast, plan of attack, total number of sorties, narrative of attack, day reconnaissance, enemy defences air and ground, enemy aircraft destroyed, casualties, target details, route,…

Four aircraft have been coned by searchlights amidst scattered bursts of anti-aircraft fire. The countryside is an indistinct mass of darkness, save for the yellow of the searchlights. Label reads “136”; signed by the author; caption reads…

Bombers fly over a town. In the scene, every window is lit up. Civilians are running for shelter. A woman reaches out for her child. One man remains stationary and seems confused. The five aircraft are being targeted by anti-aircraft fire.


Highlights some of the issues causing lack of precision with bombing. Also mentions problems of weather meant USAAF results despite their bomb site was rarely better that the RAF. Mentions their most successful operation was dropping mines in the…

A group of civilians takes shelter in a ditch at night. In the middle distance, a bare landscape with sparse trees is illuminated by bursts of anti-aircraft fire and flares.

Label reads “93”; signed by the author; caption reads “9 Gennaio…

On a starry winter’s night, a yellow glow is visible on the horizon, accompanied by bursts of anti-aircraft fire and tracers. Naked mulberry trees are visible in the distance.

Label reads “212”; signed by the author; caption reads “20…

On the first page an air to air view through the rear mirror of a third aircraft of two Bostons at very low level. The Boston on the right is trailing smoke and heading towards the ground. In the background a tilted horizon with bomb explosions. In…

Top - target photograph showing smoke from bombs over most of frame and built up area top left. Captioned '3640, L.SGN, 21.3.45 " 8'.16800'103 BREMEN OSLEBHAUSEN Oil Refinery, S, 13MC500DT:4ANM64DT, C34 SECSI. F/O Quine; S: 582'.
Bottom - target…

Target photograph of Bremerhaven. No detail visible. Large number of light streaks. Captioned '2930 SKELL.18/19.9.44//NT(C)8" 14000 [arrow] 169 2103 BREMERHAVEN RD.T. 27 X 4. 25secs. S/L STUBBS. T.50.'. On the reverse '[underlined] BREMERHAVEN.…

A target photograph for an operation to Bremerhaven. On the right there is illuminated smoke or cloud and some light trails. The rest of the image is dark and there is no ground detail. It is captioned:
'2922 SKELL. 18/19.9.44// NT. 8" 15000…

Target photograph of Bourg Leopold. Partially obscured by smoke and light streaks, two aircraft silhouetted below, rural area. Captioned '7B', '791 SKELL. 11/12.5.44. //NT 8" 15750 [arrow] 179° 0015 BRG.LEOPOLD RD.J.1X4000.6X1000.8X500.27secsP /O…

Sergeant Spencer Lewis Belton is interviewed by a wing commander about his aircraft flying over North Sea to bomb Wilhelmshaven. Mentions a British convoy and intense anti-aircraft fire over Emden. Describes the Wilhelmshaven bombing mentioning many…

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Sergeant Charlie Darby, air gunner from 22 January 1944 to 16 January 1945. Charlie Darby was stationed at RAF Castle Kennedy and RAF Driffield where he flew Anson, Wellingtons and Halifaxes Mk 2 and 3.…

Vertical aerial photograph of Colombes, France. The image is largely clear, only a few lines of tracer are visible with street patterns and buildings clearly visible. Bottom left a large stadium is partly visible. Annotated on the image is a north…

Relates events during operation to Essen on 12/13 March 1943. Enemy fighter attacked and was engaged and hit by rear gunner. Claimed as damaged. After releasing bombs in heavy anti-aircraft fire and searchlights rear gunner engaged Me 109. Gunner…

Explains that the enemy had brought much vaunted secret weapons into action including V2 missile. Five launching platforms were known to exits and 617 as a precision bombing squadron to destroy these sites. First target allotted was at Watten to the…
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