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  • Tags: Lancaster

Two Lancasters parked on hard standing. Two airmen are cycling towards them. Behind is a large hangar and two other cyclists.

A distant view of three Lancasters. In front of the closest aircraft are four airmen.

Three Lancasters preparing to take off, taken from another aircraft .

Three Lancasters on the ground. The closest aircraft is 'AR-B'

Lancaster 'AR-A' taken from the side on the ground. In the foreground is a wooden board with '4' on it and a T indicating the runway in use. Two other Lancasters and a hangar can be seen in the background.

A Lancaster 'D' parked and chocked on hard standing, taken from the side. Bomb doors are open. Another Lancaster is in the background.


Ground crew working on a Lancaster which has landed wheels up. One airmen is leaning on the nose of the aircraft with his hands in his pockets.

A Lancaster which has landed wheels up is being recovered by a ground crew. A small crane wagon is at the nose of the Lancaster.

Three Lancasters preparing to take off. One is lined up on the runway.

Two images of a Lancaster, 'AR-K', that has landed with the undercarriage up. The port outer engine has broken away and is being examined by two groundcrew.

Six men filling in a crater supervised by an airman. There is a lorry and a Lancaster in the distance.

The Lancaster has landed with the undercarriage up. The port outer engine mountings have failed and the engine is lying on the grass. One airmen is looking closely at the damage.

Ten close up photographs of damage to aircraft showing the underside of an aircraft, a mangled pile of an aircraft, the remains of a wing, the side of Lancaster 'AR-D', small items of debris with an airman walking through it, the heavily damaged…

Lancaster with starboard undercarriage failure.
A second photograph has been printed as a mirror image.

A squadron photograph of many airmen arranged in six rows at the front of a Lancaster with an seventh row on top of the wing. On the reverse '460 Sqn. RAAF March 1943 Aircraft 'R Robert' Lost on Skoda Raid April 17th 1943 24 Operations'.
Two further…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the editor's comments, How the Convoys got through, photographs of ex-POWs titled 'Victory Smiles', Finding his Feet -…

Ken Turnham’s RAF Navigator’s, Air Bomber’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 27th October 1943 to 14th April 1945, recording training and operations as a Wireless Operator. Based at RAF Yatesbury (No. 2 Radio School), RAF Mona (No. 8…

33 airmen and one Naval Officer standing in front of Lancaster with Nickey Mouse / Admiral Prune II nose art and 11 bomb symbols. Guy Gibson is eigth from the left on the front row.
On the reverse ‘March 1943 ED593 Admiral Prune
Left to…

Ex-Air Force POW Association news sheet. This edition covers a planned five-day reunion planned for August 1985, a planned convention of the National POW Association in Hamilton, a planned reunion at Toronto for RCAF and RAF veterans, a reminder that…

News-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the large Canadian reunion of 1985 at Calgary, the Annual Dinner at Lords, Recco report of ex-POW activities, requests for help, Alan Bryett's lectures, the Association's AGM and annual…
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