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  • Tags: sport

Extracts from Peter Baxter’s Flying Log Book as Flight Engineer from February 1938 until 16 June 1946. The extract only includes his flying record and is missing front and end covers, details of postings and aircraft flown.

After pre-aircrew…

Letter to David Donaldson from Hank Cooper written post war. Hank gives news of his activities, people and the departure of wartime colleagues. He writes of pet dog and going to London to see semi-finals of Royal Air Force individual squash…

Letter to David's younger brother Norman. Hank thanks him for the opportunity to see a copy of Norman's write up of David's Royal Air Force career and confirms that it is factually correct. Hank reviews his association with David and aspects of his…

Mentions that he is on leave for a week on a farm Buckinghamshire owned by a Mrs Adams (and remarks on the co-incidence of the surname) with a colleague called Len Young from Coota. Herbert also mentions his other leisure activities, such as playing…


Mentions letter transit time of 3 to 4 weeks. Comments on wool prices and mentions letter with photograph from Betty. Writes that he played football and had been night flying. Catches up with family/friends news.
This item was sent to the IBCC…

Comments that it was two years since he joined the service and it had been all training and no action. Says they are filling in time before converting to four engine planes by playing football, parades and some navigation practice. Comments on…

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Writes about cricket unofficial test matches and playing himself. Describes being roped in as part of the corporal's team and getting top score and bowling. Goes on to describe other matches he played in Lincoln. Concludes mentioning going to the…


Hopes she is receiving his mail and says he has had none from her yet. Tells her not to worry as he is comfortable and doing a lot of reading. Mentions people he has met and talks of football, ice skating and playing draughts.

Starts with a poem and then a series of stories which together form the memoirs of Harold Yeoman, an officer who served in Bomber Command during the war, initially as a pilot on Wellingtons and then as an Intelligence Officer. He relates his…

He writes of his family, feeling unwell, his night duties and social activities at RAF Cark.

He writes of the weather and social activities at RAF Cark.

Harry joined the Royal Australian Air Force on 25 June 1942 as a wireless operator/air gunner and received his initial training in Australia before going to Canada for his trade training.

He sailed on the SS Johan Van Barneve to San Francisco and…

A five-page handwritten letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry describes the harsh weather, a trip into Ayr to see an ice hockey match and to the cinema. He includes a chart with his lesson timetable.

A letter and envelope from Harry to his wife Jessie. Harry writes about buying a frame for her photograph, going to the cinema, starting to learn to play golf, plotting and an aborted training flight to Ireland.

The back of the envelope has been…

A letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry writes about life at Redbrae including playing golf, going to a local ice hockey match and his examination results.

A letter from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry relates his most recent examination results, which indicate he should pass his final ones. He mentions receiving heavily censored letters from a friend posted to a controlled area of Scotland…

A letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to Jessie. Harry writes about his training at Redbrae including flying Ansons, an ice hockey game in Ayr and worrying about their lack of money.

A letter from Harry Redgrave to Jessie. Harry writes about how wonderful RAF Waddington is with good food, entertainment and a wonderful atmosphere. He has been told he will be a navigator bomb aimer straight away.

A letter from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie when he was undergoing RAF aircrew training in Scotland. He writes of his shortage of cash that affects his trips and present buying. The possible evacuation of schoolchildren in Southend is mentioned.…

Dick Heath was an apprentice boat builder and joined the Royal Air Force in 1943. He began training as an air gunner but was posted to RAF Fiskerton working in the bomb dump. He was on his way to Canada by ship when the war in Europe ended. After he…

Writes from Grand Hotel Scarborough 10 I.T.W. about his maths and anti gas exams, and starting navigation lessons. He also writes about playing games on the beach at Scarborough against the other flights, going to a concert, meeting his old school…

Brian Hutson was a child during the war. He remembers his father, who worked on building airfields and delivering air raid shelters. He also recalls his childhood, sleeping in a shelter and listening to aircraft, air raids, blackouts, playing with…

Thanks for letter and discusses battledress. mentions future move to Blackpool and current activities including sport. Ian is avoiding lectures by playing sport. He describes punting on the Nidd. He is due to depart shortly for Blackpool.


A memoir of Bernard Scheidauer who was shot down over France but crashed on Jersey. He was a prisoner at Stalag Luft 3 and was involved in the tunnels used during The Great Escape.
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