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  • Tags: escaping

Writes of his investigation into Belgian people involved in trying to help his crew escape after they had crashed in Belgium. He gives names and locations of those involved and notes that many had been arrested by the Germans. Gives detailed…

Letter to Jack Newton's pilot providing more information about the Belgian people who had been involved in the escape line to help his crew. Includes places they stayed and show linkage of the organisation. Includes information on Belgian resistance…

Letter to Jack Newton's pilot from a member of the Belgian escape line He says he still does not know why Jack Newton was the only one of the crew to get successfully back to England. He goes on to describe in details his research into the trail of…

Six photographs and one article on Kenneth's squadron.
Photos 1, 2 and 3 are head and shoulders portraits annotated as "Escape" photographs.
Photo 4 is a half length portrait of Kenneth with a navigator brevet.
Photo 5 is a near three quarter…

Eric Sanger's personal account of his last operation, of being shot down and his time as a prisoner of war. Detailed account of last operation to Nuremburg on 25 February 1943 in 9 Squadron aircraft from RAF Waddington. Mentions delayed take off and…

Two evaders, Jim Moffat and Bill Jones, at Etalle.

Two evaders and the Authphene family who helped them escape. Information supplied with the collection identifies the family as Authphene with Jim Moffat (2nd from left).

Gerry Philbin's talents in hockey whilst serving in the RCAF are described. He then transferred to the UK to fly Halifaxes. During an operation they were shot down and only he and Sergeant Millard survived. He was captured but escaped with the help…

Three head and shoulders photographs of Robert Wannop in civilian clothes.

The author was shot down over Linz, Austria whilst bombing a Panzer works. The other six in his crew perished. He was taken to Dulag Luft at Frankfurt then Stalag Luft VII. In January his camp was evacuated and he joined the Long March to the west,…

Photo 1 is a half length portrait of Arthur.
Photo 2, 3 and 4 are head and shoulders of Arthur to be used as escape photos on identity cards.
Photo 5 is a head and shoulders escape photo of Flight Sergeant Poynton, skipper of the crew.

A booklet with lists of phrases in English, German, Spanish, French and Dutch. On top of each page is a warning 'NOT TO BE PRODUCED IN PUBLIC'.

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, Repatriation Arrangements, Liberation comes to Stalag IXA, Behind the Scenes about theatrical endeavours,…

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers refurbishing the memorial to "The Fifty" and the construction of a replica hut 104 at Zagan., the 65th anniversary of the Great Escape, the Royal Windsor Tattoo, a POW day at High…

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the POW memorial, Recco report -stories of ex-POWs, the Larry Slattery memorial fund, the Second World War experience centre, an article by Vitel Formanek about his visit to the UK, …

Two escape maps, the first is of Germany at a very small scale, the second is of France, Benelux and Switzerland.

A wartime log kept by Jim Tyrie whilst being kept a prisoner of war. He was shot down on 10th April 1941 and imprisoned for 4 years, 1 month and 16 days. It contains cartoons, sketches and maps.
He lists the men who were shot after recapture during…

A wartime log kept by Jim Tyrie. He lists his crew on the night they were shot down over Berlin, the construction of tin trays, addresses of co-prisoners, cartoons, London restaurants, newspaper cuttings in German and English and finally more…

Photo 1 is ten men standing in a group, captioned 'Muir, Denny, McCombe, McConnel, Neely, Kerwin, Bushell, Beauclair, Panton, Newman (End room tunnellers April 41)'.
Photo 2 is a group of ten men.
Photo 3 is a group of 13 men.
Photo 4 is a group…
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