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  • Tags: Blenheim

Pencil sketch of four men playing cards round a table and explanatory note explaining 'sketch by Blenheim wireless operator Sgt E (Ted) Hart (who escaped from Le Kef with Douglas'.

Account of Pilot Officer James Douglas Hudson's award of Distinguished Flying Cross. Notes was member of RAFVR called up at outbreak of war and trained as navigator. While on deployment his Blenheim was brought down in North Africa and he was…

Newspaper cuttings noting that amongst other casualties that Sergeant J D Hudson is missing. Also noted 'Blenheim crash landed Cape Bon, navigator Hudson J D, pilot Riddick, known as John but probably Sgt D C B N, air gunner Randall, D W G (known as…

Laurie Harbutt was born in Edmonton, London. Before he volunteered he worked as a wireless telegraphist which was a Reserved Occupation. He wanted to join the Navy but because of his occupation his only option was RAF aircrew. He was posted to 77…

Andrzej Jeziorski was born in Poland and, when war broke out, fled to Britain, where he flew as a pilot with 304 Squadron. Remembers the 1st of September 1939. Talks about his father, a Navy officer who served in the First World War. Mentions his…

Jack ‘Lawrie’ Lawrence planned on making a career in the RAF and joined in 1938. He enjoyed those early days when it felt like he belonged to a flying club. This was interrupted by the start of war and operational flying. He flew in Blenheims and…

Writes from Medicine Hat with only four days to go. Still has some flying required to reach his 90 hours and weather has been poor. Outbreak of scarlet fever might delay departure. Still has C.F.I test to go and has found out he has been recommended…

Peter Stevenson's account of his service in the Officer Training Corps at Grantham and later in the Air Training Corps. Tells of his life in Grantham and the effect of the war on the town. Also his involvement post war in museums and projects to…

William Longhurst served as an engine mechanic through the Second World War. He was a member of the Hackney Wick Air Defence Cadet Corps before volunteering to enlist in the RAF after his seventeenth birthday. Following basic training at Skegness,…

William Neilson grew up in Edinburgh. After training as a pilot in Canada and the United States he served as a staff pilot at Number 1 Air Armament School RAF Manby. He discusses low level bombing practice. He was demobbed in 1946 and became a civil…

Douglas Newham enjoyed his career as a navigator. Over his career he saw the development of technology in his chosen field. He and his crew spent some of their time as part of North West African Strategic Air Force. Following time as an instructor at…

Born on 27 December 1924 in Aigburth Liverpool, James was 15 when war broke out in Europe. He intended to join as a pilot, navigator, bomber aimer in 1943 but due to shorter waiting list and training time he trained to become a wireless operator at…

Air-to-air view of a Blenheim above clouds. The caption refers to the aircraft as the Rothermere Bomber.


Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for J Wilson, covering the period from 12 July 1942 to 26 March 1945. Detailing his flying training, Operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Penrhos, RAF Lossiemouth, RAF…

A letter, envelope and two-page typed document from Harry to his wife Jessie. He writes about training including two bumpy flights in a Fokker. He encloses a photo taken in the snow and his mathematical paper from the Air Observer School.

A letter from Harry Redgrave in RAF Upwood to his wife Jessie. He writes about how good life is now that he is a Sergeant with extra pay and better food. He has been training in a Bristol Blenheim.

A letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to Jessie. Harry writes about life at RAF Upwood including his intensive training and a trip to RAF Wyton to swing the compass at the Air Officer Commanding’s plane. He also is trying to get his motorcycle…

Diary of Dennis Batty 20 May 1940 to 27 June 1941 listing his operations over France and Germany in Blenheims and listing aircrew lost.

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for Eric Horace Woods, navigator, covering the period from 28 November 1939 to 10 July 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, instructor duties, operations with transport command and…

Formal photograph of 24 airmen and three officers, in uniform greatcoats, posed in three ranks in front of a Blenheim on a dispersal. There is snow on the ground in the background.


Len Harper registered for the air force in April 1939, influenced by the positive experience of his brother, who had joined in January. Upon completing training at the Wireless Training School, RAF Yatesbury, he was posted to RAF Wittering, where he…

Ron Mayhill was born in Auckland, New Zealand. He joined the Air Training Corp in 1941, automatically entered the Royal New Zealand Air Force in 1942, trained as a bomb aimer in Canada, and travelled on the Queen Mary to the UK in 1943. While flying…

Joined Royal Air Force in 1936 as a Halton apprentice armourer. Promoted to flight sergeant at the beginning of the war he began a long association with 57 Squadron then flying Blenheims as part of British Expeditionary Force in France followed by…
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