Browse Items (47 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1943-05-13"

A group of 28 trainee airmen arranged in three rows in front of an Anson. Caption reads 'AL. 53 - 13 May 43'.

This is a handwritten record book for 9 Squadron from 14/15 April 1943 to 10/11 November 1943.

For each operation it includes many details of the target, routes, bomb load, crews, a description of results, and if any did not return.

The last…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for A E Travell, air gunner, covering the period from 4 September 1942 to 28 May 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Dalcross, RAF…

Target photograph of Bochum with no ground features visible through light flashes. Captioned '4' and '890 HLM. 13/14 5 43 //NT "5" 19000 - 024 0219 BOCHUM RD.T. 1x 14000. 540x 4LB. 48x 30LB P10 F/O LANE T.460.'.

Target photograph of Duisburg with no ground features visible through light flashes. Captioned '4' and '862 HLM 12/13.5.43.//NT.8" 18000 - 200 0237 DUISBURG RD. M.IX4000. 540x4lbs.PII. F/O LANE O.460'.

Pilots flying log book for Ernest 'Cappy' Olaf Lane covering the period 1 May 1943 to 28 January 1945 detailing his time with 460 Squadron and operations flown. Cappy flew 22 night time operations as pilot, all in a Lancaster. The targets were Essen,…

Flying Officer A. Bonney’s Royal Canadian Air Force Flying Log Book for Aircrew other than Pilot, from 13th October 1942 to August 1944. Recording his training as an air gunner in Canada and England, two completed tours with 142 Squadron RAF based…

Pilots flying log book 2 for F J Richardson, covering the period from 3 March 1943 to 8 October 1945. Detailing his operations flown, flying training and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Langar, RAF Ossington, RAF Church Broughton, RAF…

Rita’s late husband was Flight Lieutenant Edward Brooks DFC, DFM. He was in the Home Guard before enlisting with the Royal Air Force in February 1941, and sometime later went to RAF Uxbridge. Following training at Blackpool, the recruits were…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for J R Lee, flight engineer, covering the period from 15 November 1942 to 15 August 1943 where he was listed as missing and was the only survivor of his crew that crashed in France and became a…

Alan writes that he will be home on leave on Friday. He has been to Ely cathedral.

He wishes her a Happy Birthday and reminisces about when they met eleven years previously. Mentions that he went to the pictures and catches up with family news.
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