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  • Tags: Me 110

Batchelder was the pilot of this operation. They bombed inside flares but the navigator insisted it was not Mannheim. Damage to one engine from flak, later they were attacked by a Me 110. They successfully landed at RAF Horsham St Faith, Norwich.

Account of daylight attack, 27 September 1940, on Parnell aircraft factory in Yate, Gloucestershire by bomb-carrying Me 110s of ZG 76. On their return they were engaged by Hurricanes of 504 and 56 Squadron, and one Me 110 force-landed at Iwerne…

Contains British, American, German and Italian aircraft silhouettes.

Top left - nine airmen by the tail of a Halifax. Six standing behind and three squatting in front. All are wearing battledress with side or peaked caps. Some have visible brevet.
Top right - seven airmen standing in line by the tail of a Me 110 with…

A list of aircraft with a brief description of each one with size, construction, engine, armament and observation details.

For September 1943. Table with date of combat, rank and name of air gunner, type of attack, evasion action taken by bomber, comment on evasion, claims, damage to bomber, type of aircraft engaged, no of rounds fired, Monica or Boozer fitted, warning…

Pilots flying log book for Andrew Deytrikh, covering the period from 20 May 1941 to 1 February 1944. Detailing his flying training and operational flying. He was stationed at RAF Brough, RAF Montrose, RAF Grangemouth, RAF Portreath, RAF Zeals, RAF…

Wright BC.pdf
Navigator’s air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for B C Wright, flight engineer, covering the period from 11 July 1943 to 29 May 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF St…

A biography of Alan Green with personal photographs and headlines. It covers his training in Canada and UK. First squadron was 218 at Marham flying Wellingtons as a navigator, then Stirlings. He flew 22 operations and was shot down by friendly fire.…

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Pilot Officer Bob Butler covering 22 September 1940 to 23 September 1942 detailing training flights, air tests and operations.
Served at RAF Jurby, RAF Bassingbourn, RAF Newmarket, RAF Waterbeach, RAF…

Target Mailly-le-Camp attacked by Lancasters. Covers weather forecast, plan of attack, total number of sorties, narrative of attack, day reconnaissance, enemy defences air and ground, enemy aircraft destroyed, casualties, target details, route,…

Tells of engagement by enemy Me-110s in area of Stendal when the flight engineer, mid upper gunner, navigator and wireless operator were wounded. The aircraft suffered damaged and suffered further attacks but one enemy fighter was probably destroyed.…

Autobiography of his early years. Mostly his training in the States.
Also included is an extract from Eleanor Roosevelt's diary, dated September 24, 1942. This includes a thank you letter from RAF trainees who were treated to American hospitality by…

English translation of a German nightfighter combat report for 18 December 1944.


A series of Luftwaffe engagement reports, some in German, some translated concerning the attacks on a four engined bomber in the early hours of 18 December 1944 probably Henry Wagner's Halifax.
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