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  • Tags: sport

Audrey left school at 14 and began work as a clerical assistant for a tailoring firm in Leeds, then moving into furniture sales.
Audrey was 23 when the war started and was conscripted on 15 December 1942 electing to join the Women's Auxiliary Air…

Four page Western Italy edition of the newspaper containing articles from various operational theatres around the world and from Britain.
Page 2 is given over to the forthcoming General…

Experiences of the prisoners of war in the Belaria camp of Stalag Luft 3 by Squadron Leader Bryce Cousens. It contains stories, poems and illustrations.

A personal account of life of an engineer, C E Brennan, who was seconded to A V Roe at Woodford and Ringway who saw Roy Chadwick frequently. He talks of comradeship, playing rugby and listening to singer Hilda Green. Mentions the sporting rivalry…

George Haigh was already a keen footballer when he volunteered for the Royal Air Force and became a physical training instructor. He was posted to RAF Morecambe where he provided basic training to new recruits. He discusses the mixed level of fitness…

Bill Lucas DFC was born on the 16 January 1917 and lived in Upper Tooting. He left school at the age of 15 and went to work in an Insurance Company, before joining the Royal Air Force in 1939. Bill was sent to 16 EFTS at Derby and then to an Advanced…

Bernard Mabey was born in London and experienced the Blitz at first hand. He was a member of the Air Training Corps in 1941 before volunteering for the RAF. He trained as an air frame mechanic at RAF Locking. His first posting was RAF Marston Moor…

Thomas Page grew up in a farming family before joining the Royal Air Force in 1940, training as a flight mechanic. He was initially posted to 257 Squadron (Hurricanes) but soon went to Gloucester to train as a fitter from where he was posted to 71…

Born in Edinburgh, Donald was 14 when war began. As a messenger during the bombing he remembers wanting to get back at Hitler so joined the Royal Navy at 17. He trained at Harwich then joined HMS Hotspur on Atlantic convoy duties. He recalls his…

William Edwin Barnett talks about his experience of living on the edge of RAF Westcott, near Aylesbury. Remembers starting to work on a farm at the age of fourteen and describes his everyday life and duties. Tells of being conscripted into the Home…

After leaving school, Bertram Yeandle joined the RAF apprentice scheme and trained as an engine fitter at RAF Halton. After completing his apprenticeship at RAF Cosford, he was posted to 148 Squadron, RAF Harwell, where he serviced Wellingtons. In…

Margaret Longmate came from a family, from Edinburgh, with long links to the RAF. Her uncle had been in the Flying Corps in the First World War and various other friends and family joined the service during the Second World War. Therefore, it seemed…

Ernest was born in Marylebone, London. He tells of his childhood, how he helped his father on his milk round and became a butcher's boy at Shepherd Market before serving in the Air Training Corps. He joined the Royal Air Force at the age of 17 and a…

Writes that he is pleased tobacco prices had been good. Continues with social activities, mentions Bulawayo young peoples club and playing rugby. Concludes writing about his accommodation.


Reports that he had now received most of her letters to 19 April as well as other mail which was taking between two to four and a half months to arrive. Writes about a recent variety show and a cricket match in which he played. Mentions also playing…

Reports arrival of latest letters and notes that via London they take four to five months. Mentions letters from others and catches up with news. Says do not worry about war and he is looking forward to seeing them again. Mentions playing cricket and…

Writes of lack of mail, but mentions his birthday. Writes of a South African who had just returned after a couple of months in hospital. Talks of pompous fellow English prisoner as well as catching up on other news and gossip. Mentions playing rugby…

Reports arrival of seven letters which took just over a month to arrive. Hopes she had recovered from illness. Commiserates over loss of friend and mentions how lucky he was. Mentions other Rhodesian arriving and that he had stopped playing rugby.…

Writes of good war news and weather. Mentions athletics sports meeting and comments on national scores. Writes about play he had seen previous week and camp orchestra. Catches up with family news and says he would really like to go an work on the…

Reports arrival of letters and hopes that she had had one from him as he knew that she would be worrying. Was keeping well in body if not in spirit. Played rugby for first time in a while and suffered slight injury. Was also doing P.T. Comments that…

Sends birthday greetings and hopes that letter would arrive before Christmas. Sends family seasons greetings and sorry he would not be with them again this year. Mentions it was a depressing time. Talks of rumours of repatriation of badly wounded…

Writes that he had had no mail for six weeks and that there must be some hold up; however, English mail was arriving again. Catches up with family/friends news and says his letters must be boring as nothing happens. Writes of his camp rugby team…
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