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  • Tags: 5 Group

Signal indicating bomb jettison areas agreed with Royal Navy. On the reverse some calculations.


Planned operation on Ladbergen on 3 March 1945. Mandrel screen and window were to be deployed. Captioned 'ROUTE PLAN
MARCH 3RD, 1945'

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Gives outline of service history. Goes on to describe joining the RAF, early training, journey across the Atlantic to Canada for pilot training. Gives account of training in Canada and on return to the United Kingdom. Writes of operations on 106…

The Roll of Honour 1939-1945 for 50 and 61 squadrons. The squadron crests are illustrated together with their mottos.

This item is available only at the University of Lincoln.

List of locations and jobs from 1941 ATC summer camp, and from joining Royal Air Force in May 1943 until demobilisation in March 1946. Includes transfer to Navy in June 1945, where he worked on Barracuda, Firefly and Oxford aircraft.

Having completed 33 sorties and in recognition of his 'meritorious service' and consistently good bombing results David is recommend for the award by his wing commander, group captain and group commander.

Made out for Pilot Officer William Roy Peter Perry. Narrative mentions completed 20 operations, showing outstanding skill and determination. Skilful airmanship enabled gunner to shoot down enemy fighter. Twice had to recover aircraft on three engine…

Gives some details of service, 97 Squadron, 203 hours operations, air gunner and citation.

A document recommending that Arthur Horry receives the Distinguished Flying Medal.

Shows operation tracks for all Groups to Dusseldorf. Shows combats as well as encounters with other aircraft.

Message is a copy of Headquarters Bomber Command signal congratulating crews that their attacks on Le Havre and Boulogne succeeded in virtually destroying German naval assets in those harbours.

Lists airmen under headings promotions, promotion correction, results of courses, marriages and movements to the unit.

Lists airmen under headings movements to the unit and movements from the unit

Lists airmen under heading movements from the unit,

Top - a note explaining the railway plan in preparation for Operation Overlord, attacks on French railway system.
Top left - extract from Ned Sparkes's logbook from 1 March 1944 to 29 March 1944 with operations to Trappes, Le Mans (twice), Brest,…

Detailed operation order from group to 102, 77, 10, 158, 466, 640, 76, 78, 51 and 578 Squadrons with numbers of aircraft required. Target "Whitebait". Gives detailed instructions, routes, bomb loads, wave orders, fuel loads, window carriage, route…

Description of three (one aborted due to weather) operations against Tirpitz, photograph of crew on return from sinking Tirpitz, poor photocopy of target photograph of attach on Tirpitz. Account of operation on E & R boat pens at Ijmuiden along with…
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