RAF song - there was no flak at all
RAF song - there was no flak at all
Eleven verse song and chorus
One page typewritten document
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In the year Ano Domini one nine four one
Operations decided there’s a job to be done,
It might have been Dusseldorf, Bremen or Hamm,
But the laddies of 5 Group did not give a damn.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined]
There was no ‘FLAK’ at all,
No ‘FLAK’ at all,
Plenty of searchlights,
But no ‘FLAK’ at all.
There once was a pilot set out to bomb Keil,
The aircrew as usual had not had a meal,
From the back of the ‘Lancy’ there came a faint cry
There’s a so-and-so searchlight right in my eye.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
They flew over Hamburg and what did they see,
A battery of searchlights about ninety-three.
The pilot said “Blimey, my course is quite clear”
And took violent action to cover his rear.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined]
From out of the darkness a tracer did shoot,
The rear gunner shouted “I’m hit in the boot”.
He blazed off his guns and called Jerry rude names
and we all saw the M.E. go down in bright flames.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
They flew o’er the target and there down below,
The town was lit up by a dull reddish glow,
And then the Bomb Aimer to the Pilot did shout
“The bomb doors are open, they’d better look out.”
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
They glided right in at the dead of the night,
The target appeared in the graticule sight,
The bombs were released and when [sic] whistling down
The gunners reported they’d bust in the town.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
Now the natives of Keil took quite a poor view
And showed that their ‘flak’ guns were more than a few,
They fired off their armament heavy and light
Till the heaven resembled ‘Brock’s Bonfire Night”
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
At last they were out in the moonlight once more,
The course of old Lincoln was 274.
At ten thousand feet over Heligoland
They were shot up to hell and yes thought life was grand.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
On E.T.A. they were over the drink,
The Pilot to Nav. Soon created a stink,
“Oh. get us a ‘Fix’ to the Wop he did yell,
If you don’t hurry up we’ll all end up in hell.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
The fix was obtained and Q.D.M.’s three,
They came in to land and full of great glee,
They shot awful lines to Intelligence blokes
Who treated the aircrew to free tea and smokes.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
Now the moral of this is, don’t you go on Ops.
It’s a dead loss to Pilots, Gunners, F/E’s and Wops.
And if in this war you’ve decided to fight.
Deep your feet on the ‘deck’ and sleep tight every night.
Operations decided there’s a job to be done,
It might have been Dusseldorf, Bremen or Hamm,
But the laddies of 5 Group did not give a damn.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined]
There was no ‘FLAK’ at all,
No ‘FLAK’ at all,
Plenty of searchlights,
But no ‘FLAK’ at all.
There once was a pilot set out to bomb Keil,
The aircrew as usual had not had a meal,
From the back of the ‘Lancy’ there came a faint cry
There’s a so-and-so searchlight right in my eye.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
They flew over Hamburg and what did they see,
A battery of searchlights about ninety-three.
The pilot said “Blimey, my course is quite clear”
And took violent action to cover his rear.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined]
From out of the darkness a tracer did shoot,
The rear gunner shouted “I’m hit in the boot”.
He blazed off his guns and called Jerry rude names
and we all saw the M.E. go down in bright flames.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
They flew o’er the target and there down below,
The town was lit up by a dull reddish glow,
And then the Bomb Aimer to the Pilot did shout
“The bomb doors are open, they’d better look out.”
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
They glided right in at the dead of the night,
The target appeared in the graticule sight,
The bombs were released and when [sic] whistling down
The gunners reported they’d bust in the town.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
Now the natives of Keil took quite a poor view
And showed that their ‘flak’ guns were more than a few,
They fired off their armament heavy and light
Till the heaven resembled ‘Brock’s Bonfire Night”
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
At last they were out in the moonlight once more,
The course of old Lincoln was 274.
At ten thousand feet over Heligoland
They were shot up to hell and yes thought life was grand.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
On E.T.A. they were over the drink,
The Pilot to Nav. Soon created a stink,
“Oh. get us a ‘Fix’ to the Wop he did yell,
If you don’t hurry up we’ll all end up in hell.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
The fix was obtained and Q.D.M.’s three,
They came in to land and full of great glee,
They shot awful lines to Intelligence blokes
Who treated the aircrew to free tea and smokes.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined].
Now the moral of this is, don’t you go on Ops.
It’s a dead loss to Pilots, Gunners, F/E’s and Wops.
And if in this war you’ve decided to fight.
Deep your feet on the ‘deck’ and sleep tight every night.
“RAF song - there was no flak at all,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 11, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/36246.
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