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  • Tags: RAF Graveley

Chapter 8 - Overture and Beginners. Gives account of time on OTU at RAF Lossiemouth. Includes ground instruction, crewing up and description of station and training on Wellington. Writes about a fatal crash he sees and about some of his sorties.…

Informing her that her husband, Edgar Meredith, is missing following a bale out during an operation. Included are the names and next of kin of his fellow crew members. Also included is a warning not to disclose any details of operation.

Note on envelope 'Johnny Cantrell - deceased 21 Feb 46'. Writes that he had not received to his invitation and then tells a story about spending 12 days at Bari. Continues with news and gossip about the squadron and his activities. Concludes that he…

Congratulates him on award of DFC and ask how things are in 'civvy street'. States he was due out next April but is considering a deferment. Goes on to write about news from the squadron and his activities. Invites him to a party in the mess and…

Letter to R North from RAF Graveley covering enclosure of certificate for permanent award of Path Finder Force badge. Note of regret that there is no new of his son's crew.

Letter encloses certificate for permanent award of the pathfinder force badge awarded on completion of his tour. Certificate signed by Air Vice Marshall D C T Bennett.

Newspaper cutting explains that the RAF accepted and invitation from United States Army Air Force to send 35 Squadron to take part in an air day. Letter written from Scott Field Illinois. Writes they having a good time but complains of heat. Mentions…

Photograph 1 is 12 Lancasters in formation. It is captioned 'The Squadron en-route from Graveley to St Mawgan. 8th July 1947'.
Photograph 2 is five airmen standing at the rear door of their Lancaster. It is captioned '(we pose in front of aircraft…

Two photographs of Lancaster "F" for Fox before and after the 35 Squadron tour of the USA.

Brief but detailed notes of John Alfred Wright's life and Royal Air Force service, places he lived and the dates, stations that he served at, ranks held, medals awarded.

Observer's and Air Gunner's Flying log book for J Brennan, wireless operator / air gunner covering the period from 13 November 1942 to 16 November 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, instructing and transport duties. He was…

Syd Marshall grew up in Lincolnshire and was working as an engineering apprentice when he decided to volunteer for the RAF. Initially, he asked to train to be a pilot but when the basis of his apprenticeship became clear it was inevitable he would…

Applying for RAF Bomber Command in May 1940, Percival Trotman was called up in September 1940, training as a pilot at RAF Towyn in Aberystwyth. Being present at Coventry when the town was bombed, he recalls deciding that the Germans deserved to have…

Mary Stanley Foister grew up in Buckinghamshire, where her father's farm was taken over as Bomber Command Headquarters. After leaving school, she served in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force. Following training, she had a variety of administrative posts…

Gwynne Price was living a rural lifestyle until he volunteered for the RAF. His dream was to train as an RAF pilot but since there was a surplus of pilots he chose to train instead as a flight engineer. On operations Gwyn observed the surreal feeling…

Frank Dell’s father was a member of the Royal Flying Corps during the First World War and so it was perhaps inevitable that Frank would share the fascination with aviation and a desire to fly. As a teenager Frank witnessed the aerial battles of the…

James White worked as a wages clerk for the Co-op before volunteering for the Air Force. He had intended to join the navy but he saw some recruits being shouted at so he turned around and crossed the corridor to join the RAF. He had always had an…

A four-page personal history of 115 Squadron written by J L Dixon, covering formation in 1917, to the end of hostilities in 1945. It is typed on Registration Research headed notepaper.

A large group of airmen sitting and standing in five rows in front of a Lancaster. Captioned in red with arrow pointing 'Reg Weeden, 35 Squadron - Graveley 1946'.

Top left - newspaper article 'Americans don't know us say s"goodwill gunner".' Noted that Warrant Officer Arthur Pearce has just returned from goodwill tour of the United States with a view that Americans know nothing about Britain and have no idea…

Top left - newspaper article 'RAF Bombers on mass ocean flight'. States that 16 Lancasters landed at Mitchel Field on first leg of goodwill tour of United States. The 35 Squadron planes carried their own ground crew and all flyers were veterans of…
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