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  • Tags: RAF Bardney

Writes with frustration over on/off operations and that on a very long operation the night before last was a murder trip when they lost 22 pals. Writes that he is not getting tired of her and he will see her a soon as he can.

Starts by complaining about weather. Writes about possible places to stay during trip with her and states the one he would prefer and plans for his upcoming leave, including talking to her mother. Mentions that he is going to the adjutant to fill in…

Thanks her for her letters. Today's operations were eventually scrubbed. States they are reserve crew tonight. Catches up on family news.

Writes of frustrating day with flying on and off. Mentions going to the pictures and writing letters concerning upcoming trip to the Lakes.

Writes that he got back from Lincoln OK but was disappointed not to see her. Mentions they are standby crew but operations were scrubbed.

Starts by mentioning he has many letters to write. Has had reply from Ambleside that no rooms available. Hoping for other replies soon. Commiserates over accident. No other news.

Thanks for letter and comb. No operations last night . No replies on accommodation for trip up north. Continues with love talk.

Writes that he was unable to arrange to spend her 21st birthday with her.

Writes about operations to Essen, Hamburg, Milan and Nuremburg. Gives detailed account of operation to Milan. Catches up with news and gossip from home and comments on weather. Writes concerning a colleague who he thought was starting his second…

Writes that he did not have too bad a trip recently despite poor weather. Mentions that their new aircraft was quite good and now had new same nose art as previously. Catches up with news of friends/family. Mentions a friend who had gone missing on…

Gives some comments on recent operation. Asks if they liked photograph he sent. Writes of thinking of birthday while over target and catches up with family news.

Writes that he was still OK. Describes operation to Essen on previous night. Mentions a little about life on camp. Comments that they had many new crews and he did not know half the squadron. Mentions another crew took their aircraft to Hamburg so it…

Writes that he had been busy, operation to Berlin previous night. Describes life in the officers' mess. Mentions that Tom says he will come to Leeds and act as groomsman.

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for K Gill, navigator, covering the period from 17 May 1942 to 21 March 1945 when he was missing on operations. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at…

Joined 18 June 1941. Trained as navigator in Canada. After operational and conversions training in England during which he flew two operations. He was posted to 9 Squadron at RAF Bardney where he flew 25 operations which are listed. After a tour as a…

A log book used as a scrap book. The photographs and documents cover his aircrew training from November 1943. It has sergeant's mess subscription cards, photographs, correspondence and cuttings.
Many of the entries are post war and a number refer…

Sydney Grimes grew up near Southend and joined the RAF as a wireless operator in 1940. He flew a total of 41 operations - 24 with 106 Squadron and 17 with 617 Squadron. He then served on 9 Squadron at RAF Bardney for 2 months and, subsequently, with…

Sam Thompson grew up in Northern Ireland and volunteered for the Air Force. After training he completed two tours as an air gunner with 103 and 9 Squadrons. He took part in operations against the Tirpitz and served in Germany after the war.

He was…

Pat Harris’ brother John ‘Jack’ Harris joined the RAF straight from school as an apprentice. During the war he volunteered for aircrew and trained as a navigator. He was reported missing when Pat was serving in the Wrens. His death was finally…

Margaret Horry was born in Spalding. She remembers aircraft taking off going on operations, and retells wartime stories of her relatives. Arthur served in Bomber Command as a bomb aimer. Frank was also in Bomber Command. He joined the Royal Air Force…

Wing Commander Kenneth Cook was born in Randwick in Gloucestershire. At Marlings grammar school, he joined the Air Training Corps. On the outbreak of war he joined the Royal Air Force and went to America under the Arnold Scheme for pilot training.…
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