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  • Tags: Lancaster

Seven aircrew leaving a Lancaster 'A’, parked on a dispersal with bomb doors open following a daylight operation to Duisburg 14 October 1944. All aircrew are wearing life vests, carrying crew bags and helmets; two wearing Sidcot suits, two with…

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Aachen.

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Aachen.

Account of Karl Frauhammer and his decision to make a gesture of peace by building a memorial to the seven members of a Lancaster which was shot down near his home. Flight engineer on aircraft was Peter Jenkinson. Family did not find out about…

Mention action on getting caught in searchlights, effects of altitude on aircrew, avoiding bombs from above, encounters with B-17 while on operations and getting a bottle of Bourbon from the American crew later. Mentions encounter with probable…

At the top a postagram congratulating Derrick Allen on his award of Conspicuous Gallantry Medal signed A T Harris. Six newspaper cuttings giving various accounts of actions in releasing rear gunner from jammed turret while Lancaster dives out of…

33 airmen and one Naval Officer standing in front of Lancaster with Nickey Mouse / Admiral Prune II nose art and 11 bomb symbols. Guy Gibson is eigth from the left on the front row.
On the reverse ‘March 1943 ED593 Admiral Prune
Left to…

An short account of an operation to Kiel, with photographs of the battleship Admiral Scheer.
Upper photograph shows a starboard view of the Admiral Scheer. It is captioned: 'The German Battleship "Admiral Sheer" in 1937.'
Lower photograph shows a…

Top - photograph of an airman in the cockpit of a Lancaster. On the fuselage below nose art of duck with peaked cap walking down road with sign to Berlin. Row of bomb symbols underneath.
Below - explanation that Admiral Shyte-Awk was the aircraft…

Vertical aerial photograph showing explosions and smoke coming up from what seems to be a power station or oil storage facility. There are two round towers or tanks partially visible through the smoke and the plant is surrounded by bomb-cratered open…

Three photographs and copies plus One Mess Card from an album.
Photo 1 is an aerial photograph of part of the Hamburg docks, in the Steinwerder area. The lower dock is Kaiser Wilhelm Hafen, the dock above Is Kuhwerder, top right area series of…

A Lancaster with the name of its crew underneath. It refers to an operation over Genoa on 22/23 October 1942. JHP Dwyer was in the crew.

First, a sketch of a Lancaster in flight, captioned 'Duisburg, 6/7 Sept. 1942 F/Sgt Turner, Sgt Anderson, Sgt Davies, Sgt Hunter, Sgt Coombes, Sgt Cass, Sgt Osterloh. 61 Squadron.' Signed 'A Pollen P/O 1942.' Second, the damaged port engine of a…

First, a sketch of a Lancaster in flight, captioned 'Wismar, 12/13.X.42 F/Sgt Turner, F/Sgt Anderson, Sgt Davies, Sgt Hunter, Sgt Coombes, Sgt Cass, Sgt Osterloh. 61 Squadron.' Signed 'A Pollen P/O 1942.' Second, four men in uniform and side caps…

Left page. Six airmen, one squatting and the others standing, by the rear fuselage of a Lancaster with letter 'K'. On the reverse 'Ground crew 44 Sqd'. Captioned '44 Sqdn ground crew'.
Right page top. Two aircrew wearing battledress and peaked…

Twenty-one airmen, some with aircrew brevet standing and squatting down in two rows in front of a Lancaster. Aircraft has nose art of cat outline holding a bomb.

Six airmen stand in line under the nose of a Lancaster facing a line of seven aircrew in flying gear walking towards them. A car and more Lancasters in the background.

Eighteen airmen, some with aircrew brevet squatting and standing in a group in front of the rear fuselage of a Lancaster with squadron letters 'JO-T'.

Lancaster, B-SR, dropping a cloud of incendiaries, and showing the ABC aerials on the fuselage. Hand written caption pointing to the masts 'The A.B.C. masts a third one was under the nose'.

Standard letter expressing their regrets at John being reported missing.

A biography of Fred. In addition it includes histories of aircraft and squadrons he served in, Details are included of airfields he served at. Additionally there are biographies of various servicemen associated with Fred's squadrons and service.

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From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Unknown Gunner with Camera.'

A port side aerial view of a Spitfire.
On the reverse 'Palestine 46 Spitfire' 'Starbd wing Spit +'.

Air-to-air photograph of a Lancaster dropping a mixed bomb load on a daylight operation.
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