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  • Tags: Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945)

Two close ups of the nose of a Lancaster. Depicted is an Australian flag, a Kookaburra sitting on a branch, with a snake in its beak. The snake's head is a cartoon depiction of Hitler. Twenty three bombs mark operations. Underneath are two people…

Capitulation near Stalingrad of Field Marshall Von Paulus on 30 January 1943 and General Streicher on 2 February 1943. Defeated Sixth Army comprised 330,000 men. General Giraud, High Commissioner in North Africa, working closely with General De…

Describes how German army’s progression around Moscow is not as rapid or complete as indicated by propaganda from Berlin. They are meeting tenacious defence from Russia, preventing the German infantry from joining the Panzer Divisions. Suggests…

Leaflet describing threat from Hitler with items; don't be fooled, why does Hitler want Czechoslovakia destroyed, would Britain be safe, why do we accuse Hitler thus, annihilation of France, will giving way to Hitler give us peace, if we stand firm.

The first part is targeted at the German population and argues, with illustrations, for passive and active resistance against the regime. It uses the image of Germany’s many broken bridges to argue that the only bridge open to the German people is…

Letter from Jim Cahir to his friend Mary Egan detailing his plane being shot down, his capture and his time in a prisoner of war camp.

The special edition covers Winston Churchill’s statement of 21st September 1943 to parliament on the war.

Churchill describes the war’s progress in North-West Africa, a springboard to further offensive action, following conferences with…

A copy of a map showing the crash site of the Halifax, LW 337 and their target of Hitler's Chancery.

A document written as a Summer Project whilst Aidan was at school. She discusses their early years after her grandparents got married in London. During the war the family moved to Wales for safety.
After the war John, possibly her brother, became a…

Reg's account starting when he was shot down on an operation to Berlin. After Berlin he was transferred to Frankfurt for interrogation then by train to his camp. Camp life involved food, the preparation and acquisition of extra food by theft, trading…

Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring resigns as Supreme Commander of the Luftwaffe for health reasons. His replacement is [Robert Ritter] von Greim. Setbacks described in multiple locations: lower Oder; northern Italy; several places in south, with…

Seven items from a scrapbook. Items 1 and 2 are newspaper cuttings about operations that Ernest was involved in. They are captioned 'Cuttings from daily papers of raids on which my crew were engaged'. Item 3 is a London Transport ticket, captioned…

Describes the effects of sowing hatred. Hitler had talked about war for 20 years, prepared for 7 years and started it on 1st September 1939. The people whose land he has occupied and attacked are said to hate him. An ever increasing hatred is…

A short memoir about operations over France before and after D-day. Includes how he received his award (as a D-Day veteran) of the Légion d'Honneur in Canberra.

Photograph 1 is of Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain and five men standing around a table.
Photograph 2 is of Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain and another man standing beside an ornate chair.
Captioned 'peace in our time'.

Photograph 1 is of four airmen, including Reginald George Cavalier, standing at the back of the photographic trailer. Captioned: 'Photographic Trailer, 11th March 1944. Harold Pyatt, Frank Watson, R.G.C., Hal Ashley.'

Photograph 2 is of the…

This is not your struggle. A leaflet produced for the USAAF and RAF.

Elucidation to the Hitler Speech 1942

The leaflet describes the huge number of American workers being transferred to the arms industry.

Photographs of dead German soldiers and on the reverse 'Hitler Mathematik' with figures set out on a blackboard.

The bombed Chancellery in Berlin. In the foreground a car lying on its side. On the reverse 'Reich Chancellry [sic] Berlin'.
A separate note adds background information and the date of the photograph.
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