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  • Tags: bombing

Kenneth Angus lived in Hull, and was 12 when war was declared. He discusses life on a farm after being evacuated, the bombing of Hull and his brother Harry Angus, who was killed flying as a wireless operator / air gunner with 44 Squadron from RAF…

Cecil ‘Chick’ Chandler trained as a flight engineer and was posted to 622 Squadron at RAF Mildenhall. On his first flight as the flight engineer the undercarriage failed. He was horrified to find that it was the different mark than he had been…

Gwynne Price was living a rural lifestyle until he volunteered for the RAF. His dream was to train as an RAF pilot but since there was a surplus of pilots he chose to train instead as a flight engineer. On operations Gwyn observed the surreal feeling…

Bernard Sterry and Cecilia Pearson, both born in Hull, talk about their lives as evacuees during the war. Bernard, who was 10 years old when war broke out, was evacuated from Hull to North Lincolnshire until September 1944, when he came back home at…

Kenneth White trained as an air gunner. He was not sent to an Operational Training Unit but was sent straight to a squadron at RAF Oulton. He flew in B-17s with a special operator on board. On one occasion during an air test there was a fire on…

Harry Braithwaite was born in Portinscale and went to Keswick School. Harry’s close friend was killed in action and this spurred him on to volunteer. His father owned a garage and Harry would help him. This gave him some mechanical knowledge and…

Harry Grant grew up in Kent but when his sister was widowed after her husband died at Dunkirk he went to Nottingham to be company for her in her grief. While there he took a job in the Post Office. When he was of age he volunteered for the RAF and…

Eight page, Italy edition of the newspaper containing articles from various operational theatres and from home.
Page 1 headline is: 'Bombs Rain On Japan From 1,600 U.S. Planes'
Page 2 first article is titled: 'Nuremberg Likely For Trial Of…

Instructions how to deal with a new type of small incendiary the Royal Air Force started to use. Advice includes: do not use water; put all the incendiaries in a hole dug in the ground; ask the assistance of the Unione Nazionale Protezione Antiaerea…

Covers a time frame of two months, with some additional notes about events in spring of 1945. In July, several bombings are logged, while in August they diminish to just three. Notes end on 5 September 1944, three days before the front reaches the…

Covers a time frame of two weeks: alarms are reported nearly every day.

Bombing and alarms are on the increase in March 1944, with alarms reported nearly every day in May and June. From mid-May bombings in the whole Pistoia province intensify.

After 8 September 1943, early warnings continue for two days, but nothing is logged until 21 September. Only five bombings are noted, while early warnings decreasing considerably. In October bombings are again on the increase and Pistoia is bombed…

The log covers three years, from 10 June 1940 to August 1943. Initial notes are about civil defence preparedness: posters with black-out instructions are issued, shelters are set up. The first alarm is logged on 22 June 1940, followed by only two…

The board game has 78 spaces, numbered from one to 78, and arranged in spiral fashion. Players’ pieces are moved according to throws of one or two dice. Each square contains simple figures and a brief text about anti-aircraft precautions. Players…

A notebook completed by Ivor during his training. At the end are eight pages of newspaper cuttings of operations that Ivor took part in.

A programme of events for a IX Squadron reunion and presentation of the portrait of George Thomson VC. The booklet covers the events leading to the award of his VC, the programme of events and the menu, a biography of the artist, a thank you to the…

From James and Helen Girdwood. Thanks the Madgetts for writing after hearing about Girdwood's bereavement and notes similar tragedies for both families. Writes that they have found several snaps of Hedley in their son's album. Notes their son Bill…

Text for a lecture. Joined RAF as air observer in June 1941. List initial training postings, conversion to Halifax, crewing up and posting to 102 Squadron at RAF Pocklington in May 1943. Describes preparation for operations and lists 6 operations…

Writes that they had now completed 13 [..] trips and he had seen Paris in broad daylight. States that nights operation had been cancelled. The trips he enjoyed were those in support of the Army. Mentions Caen and the beach head. States he felt he was…

Letter number 13. Thanks them for their letter and catches up with news. Mentions writing to John but no reply. Writes of weather and signs of spring. Writes of leaving his wallet in his best tunic and then £3 being stolen. Other crew members had…

Letter number 14. Writing after getting up at lunchtime having been on duty previous night. Writes that the boys and he are all OK. Mentions that he hopes to get into town that evening but his finances were reduced by £3 on the night of the Berlin…

Flight Sergeant wireless operator on 58 Squadron at RAF Linton-on-Ouze flying Whitley III. First operation to Ruhr to drop leaflets and crash landed in France on the way back. Other operations were convoy patrol and bombing in France, Netherlands,…
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