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  • Tags: fear

The interviewee recalls her wartime years at Cordenons, from the day the outbreak of the war was announced on the radio. She describes how she anticipated the air raid siren with a mixture of elation and fear, being somewhat eager to skip school. She…

Luigi Cabrini describes his daily life in a rural community, stressing the labour-intensive nature of farming in wartime. He tells of Pippo bombing at night and reminisces about an interrupted schooling history in Pavia and Voghera, due to strafing,…

The interviewee recalls wartime episodes in Cordenons and the Pordenone area. She mentions aircraft en route to Austrian targets contrasted by anti-aircraft fire, while she was taking shelter in a ditch, and remembers the bombings of Casarsa and the…

Carluccio Intropido recalls his early life as an orphan studying in Pavia at the Artigianelli, a boarding school providing technical training. He recalls that children used to watch aircraft enroute to Milan, until Pavia was bombed, due to the…

The interviewee reminisces about her wartime experiences in the Voghera countryside, at the time when her three brothers where enlisted and how difficult it was for her parents to run the farm. She remembers how she narrowly escaped an aircraft…

Sandro Boiocchi remembers wartime memories at Travacò, in the Pavia area and mentions various episodes: food shortages; the black market; fascist and German roundups; Pippo flying at night; bombing of bridges; giving shelter to evacuees.He tells how…

Annamaria De Manzano Vici recalls her wartime childhood in Trieste and describes the struggle of her all female family, coping with fear, hunger, and difficulties in finding food supplies. She remembers the run to the public shelter and the terror…

Mariagrazia Sinigo Petrina recollects her childhood in Trieste and describes hardships during the war. Her father enlisted in the Italian navy while she lived with her mother and grandmother. She describes how difficult it was to find food and…

Celsa Agosto reminisces about her wartime experiences and talks about a relatively quiet existence, until her father was enlisted. Her neighbourhood was then bombed, and a reprisal stormed the town the day after. After that, Celsa did not return…

Gilberto Martina recalls his childhood in Chiusaforte and in the Canal del Ferro area: disrupted schooling; fear of Germans; subsistence farming; saboteurs; and tells how one of his friends was killed by a bomb found in a pile of litter. He…

The interviewee describes two bombings in the Sesto San Giovanni and Niguarda areas, which he eye-witnessed. During the first, he was in a basement adapted as underground shelter: he recollects women reciting the rosary and a queasy sensation in the…

Inge Nicolis, the daughter of a Swedish engineer faher and an Italian mother, reminisces about her wartime experiences in Milan. She stresses the sense of having been thrown into a tragedy and the anguish of not being able to evacuate Milan, on the…

Police Sergeant Karl E's account of the events at Police Station no 4 (Reuterstraße 12) and Moltke-straße 8.

Mrs Hannah, K's account of the events at Wildemannsgasse 19 (“Pinne”).

Mr Herbert's account of the events at Moltkestraße 7 and 8, Untere Königstraße.

John was called up aged 18 and went to Padgate. He comleted a flight mechanics course at RAF Locking, followed by a Maintenance Unit at RAF Colerne. He was posted to a flight engineers’ course at RAF St Athan. John joined up with his crew at RAF…

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Mary Ward joined the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force in 1940. She served, briefly, at RAF Driffield but mostly at RAF Linton on Ouse. She trained as a cook before being moved to duties as a map officer, where she prepared maps for briefings and…

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Mary Ward grew up in Bloxham. She joined the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force in 1940 and was posted to RAF Driffield, on general duties in the officers’ mess. She describes a German daylight attack on RAF Driffield on the 15 August 1940 and the…

Frank Tolley was born in 1921 in Tipton and left school at 14, to work as a grocery errand boy. He joined the Royal Air Force at 19 as a ground gunner, and was in at the inception of the Royal Air Force Regiment. After 18 months he volunteered to…

Memoir of the life of Arthur Spencer. Includes details of childhood and growing up. Continues with his joining the Royal Air Force and his training in the United States as a pilot and then navigator. Followed by training in England and then posting…

Carla Baietti recalls her life as a young labourer in Olgiate Comasco. She tells of the hardships her family suffered during the war: fascist indoctrination; food shortage; her uncle's desertion and her brother's death, while serving in Russia. Carla…

Flying Officer Laurie Woods DFC was born in Deloraine, Tasmania, in 1922. He grew up in Tasmania, and at the age of 18, despite being in a reserved occupation, he volunteered for Air Crew in the Royal Australian Air Force. Initially training in…

Rusty describes a mid-air collision during an operation with 101 Squadron. to Hasselt. He describes what it was like prior to a operation and the feelings experienced by the crew, from seeing the battle orders on the notice board, the pre-flight…
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