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  • Tags: military living conditions

Ronald Indge was a wireless operator on 578 Squadron and became a prisoner of war after his Halifax aircraft was shot down. Upon leaving school, and unable to obtain employment in his chosen career, his father arranged a bound apprenticeship with a…

Colin Hynd joined the RAF in November 1943. Upon completing initial training, he was posted to RAF St Athan, where he trained as a flight engineer. He struggled to bond with his first crew, so instead worked as an instructor, before joining a…

Harry ‘Sam’ Harris grew up in Scotland and volunteered for the Air Force. He trained as a navigator in South Africa. On the penultimate day of his training he flew over a multitude of lifeboats bearing the survivors of a torpedoed ship. The next…

On the front a photograph of the Grand Hotel above the beach with Scarborough in the background. On the reverse he thanks parents for letter and chocolate and other items. Request they send pyjamas. Speaks of weather and upcoming examinations.…

Writes from Grand Hotel Scarborough 10 I.T.W. about his maths and anti gas exams, and starting navigation lessons. He also writes about playing games on the beach at Scarborough against the other flights, going to a concert, meeting his old school…

Writes from Washington Irving Hotel, Stratford on Avon noting that he had moved to hotel they have meals at. Mentions he is up on fire picket and talks of meals. Writes that he is leaving Saturday to I.T.W, most likely St Andrews in Scotland.…

Writes from Washington Irving Hotel, Stratford on Avon thanking them for parcel and letter and discussing clothing requirements. Discusses food in canteen and difficulties of washing enough socks. Mentions further inoculations and problems with…

Margaret Habberfield was born in 1923. At sixteen she joined the Royal Air Force after giving her age as eighteen. She began her six-week general training at Harrogate and was billeted with around 20 other girls. Margaret was then posted to RAF…

Betty Greenwood was born in 1926 in Belton, Lancashire. She attended Princess Mary high school and was privately educated in Paris but returned due to the threat of war. Aged 16, she was offered various jobs but decided to join the Royal Observer…

Ron Flynn was living in London before he volunteered for the RAF. He trained as a flight engineer and joined a British / New Zealand crew. He was posted to RAF Mepal. There was at least one occasion when a fire in the engines was extinguished by the…

Upon leaving school until her marriage, Iris worked for London County Council. After her marriage she joined the Women's Auxiliary Air Force. She reported to Bridgenorth in June 1942 to be sworn in. After that, she went to Morecambe where she learned…

Lawrence di Placito served as a second-class coxswain on the RAF Air Sea Rescue launches during the Second World War. He was born in Chertsey and attended Egham grammar school where he was a member of the cadet force. Upon leaving school in 1936 he…

Joy Colbeck was born in Maidstone, Kent and served within the Women’s Royal Naval Service during the war. Her brother, John, joined the RAF on the 28 of April 1943, qualified at as an air gunner in April 1944, before being transferred to an…

Michael Kettleborough lived in Woodhall Spa during the war. His mother billeted RAF crew members in her home. One of them Jack Gibson asked for an early Christmas as there were some big operations coming up. Shortly before Christmas 1941 the…

A detailed account of Reg Payne's service in the RAF. He starts with a list of 18 RAF bases where he served in his 5 years of service. He was 16 when war was declared but volunteered for the RAF at 17. After tests he was selected for training as a…

Writes of frustrating day with flying on and off. Mentions going to the pictures and writing letters concerning upcoming trip to the Lakes.

Starts by complaining about weather. Writes about possible places to stay during trip with her and states the one he would prefer and plans for his upcoming leave, including talking to her mother. Mentions that he is going to the adjutant to fill in…

Writes this will be short letter as they are flying and he is not now grounded. Mentions flying cancelled last night and continues with general banter. Mentions going to church and that she can ring him in the mess at specific times. Glad that…

Writes that station commander gave them half a day off and they went into Newark and talks about their activities there, Continues with love talk and mention of marriage.

Writes he is tired but that they will be more comfortable in new camp. Explains he could not phone and that he had written to his mother.

Top, interior of RAF Brawdy Officers Mess Bar, 'The Olde Isobar', captioned ' Officers Mess', '1944-45', '517 Squadron', 'RAF Brawdy'.
Second, third and fourth photographs are all of two RAF officers, in uniform standing outside wooden structure…

Donald Fraser completed a tour of operations as a flight engineer with 101 Squadron. He discusses the importance of ground personnel, his crew, his operations and the conditions at RAF Ludford Magna. He describes having to stop his mid-upper gunner…
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