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  • Tags: pilot

Lancaster ED838 and crew took off from RAF Bardney on an operation to Essen on 1 May 1943.
The report contains information about the crew, the operation to Essen and their loss as well as maps and photographs.
The crew were:
Pilot Officer G A…

Memoir including photographs of the crew and aircraft. Thomas Jones was a flight engineer on Stirling and Lancaster and completed 64 operations on two tours. Describes early life, joining the RAF, selection and training., crewing up and first posting…

Text and numerous b/w photographs (some of which are also located in sub-collection albums) covering from immediately before and during World War II - (1939-1946). First page has colour photographs and description of prisoner of war medal. Continues…

A detailed account of an operation on Friday, 8th October 1943. The crew of Lancaster 'N for Nan' were Pilot PPilot Officer John Charles Peter Taylor from London, Flying Officer Stewart Stubby bomb aimer from Herefordshire, Warrant Officer James…

The story of a complete engine failure in Wellington LN 487 over York at 15,000ft at night. The aircraft was over York and crash-landed safely. The rear-gunner had been knocked unconscious but was unhurt, as were the rest of the crew.

A series of cartoons starring the Observer as the leader of the bomber crew.

A head and shoulders portrait of an airman in flying kit, helmet and goggles, captioned 'The Pilot -Blackie 30th Sept [indecipherable]'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…

Tags: ;

A portrait of the pilot and co-pilot in the cockpit of their 149 Squadron Wellington bomber, at RAF Mildenhall in 1941. On the left is Acting Flight Lieutenant David William Donaldson. On the right, at the controls, is Pilot Officer Geoffrey O'Neill…

A poem titled The Pilots

Article in the Aeroplane magazine March 30 1945 issue. Describes actions of Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer D.F.C and Bar, 109 Squadron during an operation to Cologne marshalling yards. Also give other details of his service…

The story of Allan's Lancaster after they were damaged by anti-aircraft fire near Berlin. He had a heavy landing and damaged his leg.
The second part of the story is written by a German pilot who was involved in shooting down the damaged…

16 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a hangar door.
It is captioned 'The Squadron at War No 3 Section of No 9 (B) Squadron, Honington, as it was in October 1939.
Went the day well?
We died & never knew
But Well or ill, Freedom
we died for…

A biography of Vivian, born in Beaminster in 1920. He trained at Aldergrove and served at Bassingbourne, Wattisham, West Raynham, Watton then Wyton. Losses were high. He was shot down near Le Bourget, his two crew members dying with him. Additional…

Describes in detail air raid shelters, rationing, shopping,the absence of traffic and school life. There is a description of the Gorton extended family complete with a family tree. Harold Gorton met Lilian Carmen Mary Morgan, at Oxford university.…

Thirteen aircrew in two rows wearing tunic or battledress. Five are sitting in front with a dog 'Dusky' in the centre. David Donaldson is centre front. In the background trees. Other personnel identified as: rear row left to right: Flight Lieutenant …

Thirty one airmen all wearing tunics in five rows sitting and standing. Two in the front row have pilot's brevet and non commission officer stripes. In the background a building with large windows. On the reverse Sgt Cross, RAF Hullavington October…

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Thomas McMahon covering the period 29 December 1940 to 31 August 1942. Details his training and operational duties. He flew one night time and one daylight operation with 77 Squadron in Whitley aircraft…

Flying log book four, for Thomas Other Prickett, covering the period from 31 January 1967 to 31 July 1970. Detailing his flying with Transport Command and Air support Command. He was stationed at RAF Upavon. Aircraft flown in were Pembroke, VC10,…

Pilots flying log book for Thomas Other Prickett, covering the period from 26 October 1937 to 30 April 1940. Detailing his flying training and flying instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Sywell, RAF Netheravon, RAF Linton-on-Ouse, RAF Upavon…

Pilots flying log book, three, for Thomas Other Prickett, covering the period from 21 June 1944 to 2 November 1966. Detailing his flying training, instructor duties, staff duties with the RAF Delegation to the USA, Empire Central Flying School,…

Thomas Page’s flight engineer’s flying log book covering the period from 4 January 1943 to 12 December 1951. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as flight engineer and glider pilot. He was stationed at RAF St Athan (4 SoTT), RAF…

T P Payne’s pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 9 November 1942 to 19 April 1953. Detailing his flying training as a pilot. He was stationed at RAF Brough (4 EFTS), RCAF Neepawa (35 EFTS), RCAF Swift Current (39 SFTS), RAF Perth (11…
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