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  • Tags: runway

An Albemarle has just taken off from a runway towards the camera, towing a Horsa glider; both carry invasion stripes. In the background a long line of Albemarles on the ground. This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form:…

Air to ground view from cockpit of runway threshold of Long Beach Army Airfield, California. Aircraft on taxiway to left and cars parked on perimeter track in foreground.

Two oblique aerial photographs.
Photo 1 covers the airfield which has a three runway layout.
Photo 2 has the airfield in the distance but in the centre is many buildings. There are lines of unidentified objects covering substantial areas of the…

Target photograph of Beauvoir. Rural area, end of runway, taxiway and craters visible lower right. Captioned '5°F', '4B', '1159 SKELL.29.6.44.//.8" 17000' [arrow] 120° 1347 BEAUVOIR RD.K.11X1000.4X500.C.32secs.P/O OLIVER.M.50'. On the reverse…

A detailed Biography of Reg' service and post service life.

An oblique view of Brantford aerodrome captioned 'No 5 SFTS Brantford -1942'. The ground is snow covered.

Four-engined transport aircraft facing right on runway with engines running.


Two side by side vertical photographs of Caen Carpiquet Airfield.
On the left a reconnaissance photograph orientated with east at the top. On the left side of the airfield with a single runway 13/31 running from bottom left towards the centre. A…

Aerial vertical photograph of an airfield. Airfield fills left hand side with runway 13/31 running from bottom to top and a perimeter track running all the way round. The is a square section of buildings off the top left of the airfield and a series…

Aerial vertical photograph showing an airfield. Airfield fills left two thirds with runway running vertically up. Runway 31 is at the bottom with a square area of buildings just outside the perimeter track to the right. There is are complex of…

Top left an aerial vertical photograph of part of Caen-Carpiquet airfield. The runway runs from mid left to top right. The airfield is surrounded by a perimeter track and there is a square built up area at the bottom of the airfield.

Top right an…

Head and shoulders view of a gentlemen in shirt sleeves in the foreground. In the background a Lancaster on runway.

Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

A vertical aerial photograph showing the airfield, south-west of Deelen, Arnhem. Three runways in the “A” configuration are seen, with the two main runways forming the top of the “A” at lower right. Hangars and other airfield buildings are to…

Wartime memoir covering Dennis Raettig's training at Blackpool and the posting to 104 Squadron at Royal Air Force Driffield in August 1941. Worked on Wellington aircraft and mentions that Driffield also hosted the blind approach landing flight…

Air to ground view of eight Lancasters with light paint scheme lined up in pairs pointing right. Beyond them a runway with buildings on the far side.

A magazine with a collection of aerial photographs showing bombing damage in Germany, Industrial areas, railway stations, a port, a night fighter airfield, a factory, coastal defences at Cherbourg, catapult ships, Fiat G12 aircraft and a mystery…

A collection of aerial photographs of B-17s and B-24s on operations, shipyards, factories, scuttled French fleet, an attack on a convoy, Antwerp forts, airfields, Leghorn port, the camouflaged airfields at Aalborg and Kerlin Bastard and two images to…

Air to ground view of the south-eastern corner of Fairchild production facility at Hagerstown, looking north north west. P-38 lined up outside. In addition C-82 and C-47 parked on aircraft pan. Airfield an runways above factory with car park left…

List of do's and don'ts for flying operations at Haverfordwest as well as a list of lamp signals and a map of the airfield with runways and dispersals marked.

Formation of Lancasters with light paint scheme lined up on runway for take off. In the foreground a chequered runway caravan, in the background trees and hangars.

Air-to-ground view of Gander airfield looking south west . Main runway from mid left to bottom right. Hangars and other buildings below and above runway. Subsidiary runway on right River on left.

Oblique aerial photograph of an Gilze Rijen airfield. Runways going from bottom middle to top and left to middle. A large number of bomb explosion visible in the centre of the airfield with one string of bombs offset to the left running bottom to…

Target photograph of Gilze-Rijen. Runway running top to bottom of photograph, taxyways visible as are craters and bomb explosions. Centre of photograph obscured by smoke and dust. Red dot centre left. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '2084 SKELL. 15.8.44. …

Target photograph of Gilze-Rijen. End of a runway lower centre together with taxyways, centre of photograph obscured by bomb explosions, dust and smoke. Craters visible. Red dot lower centre. Captioned '3°F', '6B', '2138 SKELL. 15.8.44. //. 8"…

Target photograph of Gilze-Rijen. End of runway visible just below red dot, taxyways visible. Much of right side of photograph obscured by bomb explosions, smoke and dust. visible area rural. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '2141 SKELL. 15.8.44. //. 8"…
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