Browse Items (69 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-12"

Christmas card produced by 2nd TAF Welfare. Front of the card is coloured pale blue, has the R.AF crest, and in white writing it has 2nd Tactical Air Force, Royal Air Force, Christmas 1944 and a sprig of holly.
Inside is a colour drawing showing the…

A screaming naked man is suspended across a cell by ropes tied around his wrists, looped over a hook on the wall, and his ankles, looped through the bars of a window. The rope threaded through the window is held by a uniformed figure. A bucket is…

Ben May's life and service as a flight engineer on 420 Squadron flying Halifax from January 1945. Relate life before volunteering for aircrew and being called up for the RAF in February 1944. Provides short description of training and joining 420…

Writing for Christmas and the new year. Recalls news of her that mother had passed on to him. Mentions it is cold where he is and mentions the photograph he has of her. Mentions he has a dog and sends seasons greetings.

Biography of Rohan Amerasekera. Consist of early life, war service in the RAF including training eventually as as a navigator. Operational tours on 158 Squadron and 35 Squadrons. Lists his crew. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross in January 1944.…

Biography of Rohan Amerasekera. Consist of early life, war service in the RAF including training eventually as as a navigator. Operational tours on 158 Squadron and 35 Squadrons. Lists his crew. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross in January 1944.…

Note that letter was undated but thinks it was December 1944. Says he was thinking of them on their birthdays. Asks them about their holiday in Cape Town and arranging for him to be sent a sweater. Speculates on future and catches up with other…

A map of Stalag Luft 7 drawn by D G Gray and dated December 1944. It shows a compound of huts, one of tents and one under construction. The Russians have a separate, smaller compound as do the Germans.

Includes measurements, direction indicator,…

Betty (nee Jackson) worked in a library in Macclesfield before the war. When the war broke out, she went to Manchester to volunteer for the Air Force and trained as a telephonist. She did a course at Sheffield General Post Office before being…

Ray Parke trained as a flight engineer. During a training flight the pilot wanted to get back to base as soon as possible because he had a date but they were flying a Stirling. The pilot made an error on landing and the wheel stayed in the ditch and…

John Dean’s childhood memory of watching a Spitfire and a German aircraft having a dogfight in the sky above him spurred him to want to become a Spitfire pilot. He didn’t achieve his aim of becoming a Spitfire pilot and instead became a…

Marion Clarke served as an mechanical transport driver during the Second World War, her main duties were on Bomber Command stations primarily driving crew buses. She talks about the conditions she experienced such as her accommodation, uniform, leave…

Includes: Christmas message from the Princess Royal; editorial matters; speed up at Marseilles (of parcels); [two pages missing] photographs of groups from camps; official reports from camps; the brighter side; the Donoughmore club; news of…

2nd Tactical Air Force Christmas card with seven signatures. Captioned '137. Wing. Photographic S.H.Q. Vitry en Artois.'

Artwork inside card depicting Allied advance in western europe from D Day.

Inside page of a Christmas Card, dated 1944. An officer in the style of Pilot Officer Prune with a moustache and red nose has a glass of champagne on one hand and a bottle in the other. Beside him are four more bottles. It carries the message 'Merry…

Extracts from publications giving details of all operations by 467 and 463 Squadrons from 10 September 1944 to 25 April 1945. Details include number of aircraft, target, bombloads and losses. Interspersed are details of operations carried out by…

Daily diary from 28 December 1944 to December 25 1945. Mentions air raid warnings, daily what food available from central kitchen, holiday days. visit from relations and other daily activities. Also comments on weather, seeing V-1's fly over and…

Helmut Köhler (b. 1928) recalls his wartime experience as Luftwaffenhelfer. He provides a first-hand account of two attacks on Kassel, the first on the 22 October 1943 and the second in March 1944. He describes his time spent inside the air-raid…

An envelope addressed to Mrs D Atkinson, Flipborough [sic], Scunthorpe, Lincs from 4.12167 Gnr Horton H R. Envelope marked 'passed by censor' and CAAF. Inside is a letter to Effie thanking her for cans of sugar and milk, but asking for saccharine…

He has moved to Tuddenham , Suffolk. On the journey they rushed to a pub while waiting for a train. He writes that he cannot discuss what he is doing at his new base.

He has received two letters from Jean. He is getting seven days leave. His new base is rough and ready and the food is not good.
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