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  • Tags: military living conditions

A pass allowing the holder to enter and leave camp. On the reverse 'Sleeping out pass granted signed DEWS W/Cdr o/c Bomber Command contingente from A.D to 08:00 hrs'.

John Shipman was born in Stathern, Leicester and as a teenager would cycle to Melton Mowbray to attend ATC meetings. He joined the RAF and started training as a flight mechanic. He joined a troop ship to start his posting and the journey took a very…

Permission slip for absent from quarters at RAF North Luffenham 24/25 March 1943. Station stamp with date 24 March 1943.

Christmas dinner menu 1945 from RAF Chivenor. 24 signatures on reverse.

Grace Bradley lived on Boothferry Road in Hull and remembers the bombing of Hull during the war. She was a shorthand typist and worked for a local timber importer. She joined the WAAF and as a typist she typed the reports given by the returning…

A man wearing shirt and sleeveless pullover and trousers sitting on a bed reading. To the left a battledress uniform on a chair and a table.

Royal Air Force notebook for workshop and laboratory records containing a large number of hand drawn wartime cartoons including aircraft caricatures. On the cover '547557 AC2 Johnson' and '1209046 LAC Cluett 1940'.

Top left - a road runs from bottom then curves left to a river bridge with buildings beyond. In the background, low hills. Captioned 'River Jordan at the border'. Top centre - two airmen in shorts but no shirts sitting outside a tent. Captioned…

Top left - large group of men gathered round field kitchen with lorry in the background. Captioned 'Breakfast queue Dawson Field'. Top centre - four men standing round a trestle table preparing food with lorry in the background. Captioned '"Bert" &…

Two men serving drinks behind a bar. On the bar are several bottles. Behind is a third man leaning over. Captioned ‘The Bar’

Top left - airman is shirt and shorts walking along a path. In the background white Nissen huts. Captioned 'Gilly'. Top right - a straight road running bottom to top. In the middle distance a bus. Captioned 'Haifa road from Ramat David'. Centre an…

Top left - room with many tables and chairs. Captioned 'Club Canteen'. Bottom right - room with several armchairs and tables. On the right a fireplace with a floral arrangement. On the walls are a lifebuoy and a dart board. Captioned ‘Club Bar.…

Top left - a woman in a dress standing beside a reception desk talking into a phone. On the wall is a poster advertising a Flower Service. In the centre left there is a sign with pointers, one is labelled ‘Canteen’ and a second is labelled…

Photograph 1 is an air-to-air view of eight Lincolns, captioned 'Showing the flag. The start & return of trip round Malaya'.
Photograph 2 is an oblique aerial view of a city and river, captioned 'Saigon, Indo-China'.
Photograph 3 is and air-to-air…

Day by day diary covering events from November 1942 to June 1943. Describes flying at Little Rissington and illness over Christmas 1942 which delayed posting. Eventually posted in January 1943 to 30 Operational Training Unit. Describes events at…

Day by day diary recording events from his joining the Air Force in April 1941 up until 8 November 1942. Covers time at 1 Initial Training Wing and No 1 Elementary Flying School at Hatfield including interview with the British Broadcasting…

Apologises over unannounced visit home the catches up with family and friend news. Mentions he is exploring local countryside by bicycle and had attended a concert in Stafford. Mentions flying in 'Wimpey' and that crew is well on bail out drill.

Short letter as he is packing to move. He includes a ration coupon as he feels guilty about consuming families rations on visit home. Will write again when he gets to new station.

Writes that he hopes communication with the family is working and encourages sister on her future employment opportunities post war. In a separate section talks of life in Canada. Although appears to be written at Moncton the letter was posted in…

Vera was born in the Myrtha Tydfil area of Wales. Vera went to the grammar school at Chepstow before getting work in the cashier’s office at the Royal Navy Propellant Factory. After joining the Women's Auxilliary Air Force, Vera was posted to…

Muriel Blake was born in 1922 in Oakham, Rutland. Being interested in flying and aeroplanes from an early age, Muriel volunteered when her job prospects ended. Called up in 1944, she joined the Women's Auxiliary Air Force. Being too short for driver,…

Raymond Barnes worked in factories before he joined the RAF. He trained as an engine fitter. He was posted to the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Far East. He was servicing Spitfires for 242 Squadron and then Dakotas for 267 Squadron. He was…

Harold Gorton writes about his wife's departure and a party she missed.
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