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  • Tags: flight engineer

Notes kept by Maurice during his training.

Sidney Marshall grew up in Lincolnshire and worked as an agricultural engineer. He volunteered for the Royal Air Force at eighteen and trained as a flight engineer. On his first operation to Duisburg one of his Lancaster's engines was hit by shrapnel…

William Bryan reminisces being hit by a German fighter and anti-aircraft fire while mine laying the Kiel Bay. The rest of the tour was a reasonably quiet time, consisting mainly of operations in the run-up of the Normandy campaign. Describes bombing…

Tom Marchant had always wanted to fly and at eighteen joined the RAF as a Wireless Operator Air Gunner but was remustered as Flight Engineer after his initial postings to Warrington and Squires Gate Airfield, Blackpool. He describes his very first…

Ted joined 1014 Squadron Air Training Corps at North Weald, then became a flight engineer and warrant officer. He flew 30 operations for 622 Squadron.
Ted describes an incident which occurred in bad weather in a Stirling at the 1657 Heavy Conversion…

Raymond (Ray) Worral joined the RAF in 1943. Ray completed his initial training in Bridlington and then St Athen for the Flight Engineers training course and learnt the technicalities of the Lancaster. After being crewed up at Winthorpe, Ray attended…

George Hextell joined the RAF as a flight engineer and flew operations with 51 Squadron on Halifaxes. After being shot down over Holland, he became a prisoner of war. Gives a detailed account of how his capture, imprisonment and liberation. Describes…

Arthur was released from his reserved occupation as an apprentice engineer to join the Royal Air Force. After St John’s Wood, he underwent some basic training at RAF Bridlington and RAF Usworth before going on an engineering course at RAF St Athan…

Norman George Smith completed his Australian training as a pilot before being posted to the UK. He was posted to 463 Squadron where he completed ten trips before the war ended. Although he was an officer Norman would borrow his navigator’s jacket…

Notes service with 614 Squadron, part of 205 Group, Mediterranean allied strategic air force on B-24 as flight engineer. Relates his first operation in a Wellington. Changed to 104 Squadron. Gives description of base at Amendola, Italy. Relates…

Flight engineer on B-24. Posted to 614 Squadron at Amendola, Italy. Relates first trip in Wellington, flew with squadron CO. Gives some description of Amendola air base operations. Relates some experiences with oil drum heater. Mentions flying home…

Gives qualifications as aeronautical engineer. Education and employment history including service in the RAF from 1943 to 1947. Management experience and family background.

Covers all aircraft systems with diagrams. Includes aircraft layout, fire extinguishers, fuel system, flight controls, hydraulics, bomb door operations, flaps, undercarriage including emergency lowering, brakes, oxygen system, booster pumps, fuel…

Sorry to have to advise her that her son was missing from air operations 3-4 September 1943. Holds out hope for forced landing or bale out and offers comments on his character.

Gives particulars for meritorious service. Completed 27 successful sorties, skilful flight engineer, disregard for personal safety, cheerful courage and offensive spirit. Includes details of 27 operations carried out.

For Sergeant Barry Wright. gives details of hours flown on operations and account of actions during operation to Leipzig 19 February 1944. Aircraft attacked by enemy fighters, Wright although seriously wounded continues to perform his duties.…

Top - extract from London Gazette on approval of award of DFM to Sgt P R Jenkinson with citation for 27 successful sorties, skilful, disregard for own safety, cheerful courage and fine offensive spirit..
Bottom - Extract from the narrative "I flew…

Writes of his panned activity to initiate their new English flight engineer into their Australian crew. Discusses best ways to send mail. Mentions other mail received and current weather. Writes of conditions on his station and that they were keen…

Pat Hogan's account of being shot down and baling out when his aircraft was attacked by an intruder while back in United Kingdom. Aircraft was diverted due to intruder and was nearly out of fuel. After order to bale out Hogan had to go back to get…

Mentions combustion engines, pre-war driving and war-time personal transport. Describes handling aircraft engines and getting very economic miles per gallon. As result the flight engineer was promoted and put in charge instructing his method to…

Gerald John Castleton was born in Southsea. He worked in demolition until he joined the Royal Air Force. He flew operations as a flight engineer but was shot down and became a prisoner of war.

Ray wanted to join Bomber Command but after going to RAF Paignton, he was re-mustered and went to RAF Eastchurch on the Isle of Sheppey where he decided to train as a flight engineer. He was posted to Bridlington and this was followed by a six-month…

Ernest Hector Angelo Pedrazzini was the son of an Italian father and an English mother. After the war he changed his name to Tillbrook. Ernie’s father escaped from a prison camp during the First World War and finding his way to Russia and…

Donald Briggs was born in Lealholm near Whitby in Yorkshire. After school, he became an apprentice with the Royal Air Force. He trained at RAF Halton in 1939 and became an engine fitter working on Wellingtons and Manchesters. He volunteered for air…
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