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  • Tags: Morse-keyed wireless telegraphy

A letter discussing a colleague, exams, a top secret jet, Morse tests and studying.

Covers principles of war, types of aircraft, navigation, armament, map symbols, points to be observed before/after/during flight, navigation diagrams and calculations, compasses, airmanship, RAF signals square, administration, armament, rigging,…

Made out for J A Doxsey and states that he had been examined and passed working apparatus, transmission and reading Morse code, sending and receiving spoken messages and knowledge of regulations. On the reverse a b/w head and shoulders portrait and a…

Notebook with semaphore and Morse signs.

Notes on brazing, soldering, and Morse code alphabet including diagrams.

Information on all Royal Air Commands, Commonwealth and Allied air forces, the Women's Auxiliary Air Force. Lists and images or aircraft. List of principal engines, technical terms and aircraft instruments. Ranks of services and badges of the Royal…

Personnel march between two rows of wooden huts. All men are wearing side caps, carry gas masks and training materials. Captioned 'Wireless Training School, Yatesbury. July, 1940'

A booklet about learning morse.

Has a copy of the Morse Code as well as Williams sister's address as well his own at the various RAF stations he was posted to. There a other addresses as well as a poem.

Harold Allen’s parents travelled to the UK to escape the pogroms in Europe. He lived in London during the Blitz. When Harold volunteered for the RAF he trained as a wireless operator on the ground. He did not want to join aircrew because he was…

Reg Payne was born in Kettering, he left school at fourteen and worked for the British Legion. He volunteered for the RAF when he was seventeen and a half and trained as a wireless operator and air gunner. He describes his training learning Morse…

Fred was too young to get in the Royal Air Force, so he joined the Air Training Corps where they did aircraft recognition and visited various camps. He joined in 1943/44 and went to Lord’s cricket ground where he was evaluated to become an air…

His story begins in June 1941 when the Air Minister broadcast that a new cadet force was to be set up. Stan joined immediately. Initially they marched then received training in relevant subjects - Maths, Physics, Theory of Flight, Navigation, Morse…

Owen Cox went to a grammar school in York and joined the Home Guard when the war started. At 18 he joined the Royal Air Force, although his parents were not keen. His initial trade was ground wireless operator (Morse), waiting to attend a gunnery…

A detailed account of Reg Payne's service in the RAF. He starts with a list of 18 RAF bases where he served in his 5 years of service. He was 16 when war was declared but volunteered for the RAF at 17. After tests he was selected for training as a…

Document contains order of service for funeral and memoir of service in the RAF. Includes training as wireless operator/air gunner, troop ship to Cairo and continued training in Egypt. Posted for operation on Boston aircraft with 114 Squadron in…

Peter Lamprey writes about basic and wireless operator/air gunner training in the form of a poem.

Peter Lamprey writes about his life in the Royal Air Force including intensive physical training and Morse code training.

Peter Lamprey writes of his life towards the end of his basic training for the Royal Air Force basic in Blackpool. He mentions Morse code training and that he has been accepted for aircrew.
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